126// Healthy Food That Block Thyroid Function

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March 13th 2023, @ 10:30pm MST


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Shannon Hansen


P.S. Make sure to schedule our Thyroid Breakthrough call with one of our thyroid advisors. 



Welcome to today's episode. We're gonna be talking about healthy food that blocks thyroid function. Yep, I said it. Healthy food can block thyroid function.


Welcome back to the Thriving Thyroid Podcast, where we choose to become empowered patients and take our health into our own hands. Hi, I'm Shannon Hansen, a Christian entrepreneur, a mom of three. And after dealing with my own health mysteries, I made it my mission to learn everything I could about the thyroid. I soon became certified as a holistic wellness practitioner, a functional nutrition practitioner, and a functional diagnostic practitioner. And so much more after that, I founded the Revolutionary Thyroid Program, the Handsome Method. As a health professional and a mom, I fully understand the importance of having a fun, simple, and sustainable plan for achieving a responsive thyroid. So I share actionable and practical strategies for developing a responsive thyroid so that the ambitious moms and women can gain freedom from fatigue and lose the thyroid weight once and for all. Each week I will be here for you, along with my guest experts. We will be sharing simple and tangible tips that work for not only your thyroid, your hormones, your family, and your mindset, so that you can get back to living the life that you envision for yourself. Welcome to the Thriving Thyroid Podcast.


All right, you guys. Welcome back to the Thriving Thyroid Podcast. It is your host Shannon Hansen. And today we are talking now healthy food that is blocking thyroid function. Because you know what? It happens. How many of you out there, and I like, I get about 50 50. So some of the women that I work with, when we talk about it, we jump on a call, we're getting to know each other, we're seeing if it's a good fit to work together. About 50% of them say, I already eat clean. I already eat healthy. I take supplements, I exercise, I take my medication, I do da, da da da. And they're like, I still have no clue why I feel like garbage. Why I'm tired, why I'm fatigued, why the brain fog is there, why my hair is still falling out, why I'm still experiencing gas, bloating, constipation, you know, all of these symptoms because I'm doing everything that I know how to do.


And then it gets to be my job to explain to them like, Hey, you could be doing all the things, but, and this is, this was me, you guys, like I I, I know I've shared this with you guys. I graduated in 2015 as a holistic wellness practitioner, right before I had baby number three in 2016. And I, my like major was in nutrition and in urban farming, I was growing my own food. At that point, we weren't raising our own like meat and chickens and, and beef and things like that. But since then we, we have started to control our food a little bit more because obviously when I went through the program and learned about nutrition and farming and stuff, we learned about all of the bad, scary, horrible, terrible things that happen, <laugh> in conventional farming and in conventional, like the growing of animals and how they're treated and things like that.


And that's just like, I love meat. So I will probably never be vegetarian long term, but it's also really important for me to treat individual animals and people, humans animals. I <laugh> living things. That's the word that I'm looking for. Living things appropriately. Living things with love and care and respect. That was something that I learned growing up. My dad was a hunter and I remember like, so my dad was taught how to hunt by Native Americans and my dad never went for sports. He never got like the biggest deer or the biggest bear or whatever. He believed that whatever, I'm gonna get emotional, whatever animal put themselves in front of my dad to give them the opportunity was that animal, huh. <Laugh>


Was sacrificing itself for my dad and for the use of like us eating it and consuming it and, and things like that. And so the way that like I view living animals is they are sacrificing their life for us. And it is our job as humans to treat them with love and care and compassion and, and love them and nurture them in knowing like what their purpose is. Okay? Obviously there's like some emotion there cuz I'm totally tearing up and anyways, so <laugh>, I, all of that to say like when I graduated from school is really important to me to eat healthy, eat to eat clean foods. I don't believe in like, you can never eat pizza again. You can never eat said thing again, I believe in balance. I believe in finding what that balance is for you and your body. And it's like I've talked about on here before, you, we are all genetically and metabolically different.


So to give blanket statements as to you should eat such and such way is not my belief in my philosophy because I know that I react more to dairy products than I do to gluten, typically speaking, right? And I do have like a certain threshold of eating gluten. It's not part of my everyday diet, but I do consume it occasionally. And I take digestive enzymes when I'm eating. I take specific digestive enzymes. Let me say that, that help with the breakdown and absorption of dairy and gluten. And part of the reason for this, you guys is I have family members who struggle with eating disorders and, and having four daughters myself, I don't want my kids to ever develop a fear of food. Okay? It is vitally important for me to teach my children to have a good, healthy, loving relationship with food because food nourishes us.


And that's the same thing. Like I believe that with my clients, I believe like I will give you every tool necessary and I am a hundred percent honest with everybody that gets on a call. Everybody that listens to the podcast, I tell all of you guys, I'm gonna ask you to go gluten free and dairy free for probably 60 to 90 days, okay? And during that time, you're gonna, your body's gonna like be able to hit the reset button. It's gonna restore it. We're gonna give it all of the tools and the mechanisms that it needs because gluten and dairy, we know. So gluten mimics thyroid hormones, okay? That is part of the reason why we avoid gluten and dairy, because of conventional dairy and the way that it animals are raised and processed and the hormo, excuse me, the hormones and the feed and everything that they get, it messes with our hormones as women. Excuse me.


And so that is a reason why I have people go gluten free and dairy free for a short period of time is because I wanna be making sure that you are getting the maximum amount of nutrition and we remove those blockers to make sure that everything else is working optimally. Now, long term, my goal is to be able to get your body to a place where you can tolerate small amounts of gluten or you can tolerate small amounts of dairy or, or maybe lots of it <laugh>, like if you can go back to eating it all the time or whatever, like, great, like that's so wonderful. And I wanna share a quick story. We have a family member who has a, and this is kinda what is one of those things that has shaped my beliefs on, on food, okay? So we know that peanut allergies are super, super prevalent and we have a family member who has literally a life-threatening peanut allergy if she is exposed to it.


If she smells it like it's anaphylactic shock, like she's like, EpiPen has to go to the hospital like dying, right? Pretty severe. And they took her to treatment and months and months in treatment, drove hours and hours and hours away from their home, back and forth every week to put her in this, this treatment to get her to be able to tolerate. She's now up to six peanuts, which is a small enough amount where like it's not as life-threatening for her. She can handle cross-contamination. So now going out to eat now going to eat around other people isn't as scary as, as it once was for these people. And so I believe that God designed us perfectly and that our bodies have this natural and innate ability to self-heal and to self-regulate if okay, big if, if we know what to do and how to do it.


And that is one thing that I have strive for years and years and years of like my professional education and growth is to learn what and how, like how the body functions or how it should function and what mechanisms are needed to be put into place to allow the body to function optimally. This is why I don't do targeted nutrition, okay? And what I mean by that or targeted supplementation. So what I mean by targeted supplementation is you have inflammation. I'm gonna give you turmeric, right? Like to me, turmeric, yes, that's a great supplement. It's gonna help reduce inflammation, but it's not un it's not addressing the underlying issue of why the inflammation is there in the first place. And so identifying why is the inflammation there? Why is your body reacting in such a way is more important to me than to just reduce your inflammation.


I wanna look at your environment, I wanna look at your food, your nutrition, your supplementation, how you're sleeping, how you're eating, how your hormones, how all of these things are playing together so that we can understand and identify what is causing that inflammation in the first place. That is root cause medicine. And I think a lot of people mistake that for like, or holistic health or functional medicine or whatever for like natural, right? Like, well, turmeric is natural. Like I'm not taking a steroid for the information I'm taking turmeric. And this is where I think as practitioners, sometimes we fail people because we just want to get them results. Like we just want help them feel better, do better, be better. And we don't always look for why is this happening? What things are outta balance inside the body that are causing it. So so that is one type of person that was way longer.


The second type of person are people who get on the call and they're like, I could eat more veggies, I could probably clean up my diet. You know, I could probably, you know, cut some carbs a little bit cause breakfast. So I'll give you an example. I was on a call yesterday with a lady and she told me, you know, breakfast was sourdough bread with a coffee and then lunch and dinner were basically carbs based. And she's like, I know I need to add more veggies, but blah, blah blah. And I was like, well, do you feel like you are eating and consuming these carbs to deal with the fatigue? And she was like, oh yeah, absolutely. Like a hundred percent. And I was like, okay. So that person, it's not that she doesn't like veggies, it's not that she's a picky eater, it's not, you know, all of these things.


It's that she's really trying to compensate for the lack of energy and she's doing that through carbohydrates. Ok, I've been there. So I fall into that category. The first category of, well, at least when I first started <laugh> when I first started, I was a super clean eater. Like I said, I had a large garden, we raised a lot of our own food. I made my own salsa. I make my own ketchup. I make my own what is that called? Barbecue sauce. Like I, I really make a lot from scratch. Now I don't require my clients to do that. I don't like if they're not into that, then totally fine. Like there's, there's always ways around that. I personally enjoy cooking. I enjoy preparing food for my family. I enjoy my kids. My husband being like, wow, this is way better than us going out to eat.


It also has its negatives when I'm like, I want a night off of cooking. They're like, but your food is so much better. I'm like, ah, dang it. Like <laugh>. You know, so it's what it's, but overall that was a category that I fell into and I was supplements. I was doing all mys, I was eating all the healthy things and I was still having major constipation. I was still having migraines very frequently to where I would to call my husband or my mother-in-law or someone to come help take of kids. I was having a lot of joint pain and inflammation was having those fibromyalgia symptoms where I was just in so much pain and I couldn't even really isolate the pain. It was like this deep bone muscle pain that just would, I'd be standing there in the kitchen doing dishes and I would just come on and I would just be crying cause I was so much and I didn't understand why this was happening.


And so what I have learned over the last six years is that some of the things that I was doing in regards to food and nutrition was not working properly. So healthy foods that are blocking thyroid function. Now, I'm not talking about Boyer. I know people out there will like, don't eat cruciferous vegetables. I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is we as a thyroid community, it's not about cutting food. Okay? I hope you've gotten that so far. It's about learning how to our plates and structure our meals for optimal digestion. When you thyroid, you're under stress, chronic stress breaking.


All right? That like, feels like it feels so heavy to say that. So it is so important and I'm okay, full transparency, I'm guilty of it today. I was working while I was eating. I should not be doing that <laugh>. You know, it's really important that when we eat that we're sitting, we're chewing our food, we're digesting our food. Even though I was working at the computer, I was really trying to make conscious efforts to chew my food break down. That's one of that. When we're in front of the TV when we're, you know, under a lot of stress or, you know, trying to like shovel food in our mouth is we're like, take goodbye. Two swallow, two swallow. And we're not turning our hood into that like mush. And that's where we start to, so in your mouth, your saliva actually begins to break down things like carbohydrates and other nutrients for the body.


And so your digestion really starts actually in your brain when you're smelling, when you're thinking about food. And then the actual chemical mechanical breakdown inside of our first. So it really, really important that from we're chewing, we're breaking our, our food and then we're swallowing and we're doing so in a restful state so that our stomach can break down food and help us optimize is them learning how to combine or to build our plate. And everybody is genetically and metabolically different. And so we have to learn, you have to learn what is right for your body. I know that a what is considered oxidizer. And so I need higher amounts of protein, I need higher amounts of fat and I need lower amounts of carbohydrates. So I still eat carbs, I still have rice, I still have oats. I still do all the time that are carb based.


But when I'm building my plate, the way that I'm looking at it is making sure that I have enough things in each category that are gonna keep meated for a long period of time. Cause if not, then I grabbing four sweets. I'm grabbing for carbs, I'm grabbing fast, easy, convenient foods. Some of my clients, theyre not fast oxidizer or oxidizer way. They build their plate different way. Build mine is why some, to lean towards macro counting is cause they think, oh, if I know gram per gram, you know how many carbs and how many fats. The the issue that I've seen with that is that people get comfortable eating within that cause they're, they're getting results, right? Like let's just say a 40, 30, 30 plan. So protein percent carbs, percent fat, that's like a typical weight loss program. Ok. People will start doing that and then they just eat the same thing over and over and over again. And those micronutrients, the, the vitamins, minerals, omega fatty acids, antioxidants, all of those, those nutritional needs are not being met. And then we health issues that wide range, range and a wide variety of food and nutrition inside of our, so I'm here out there is one that I see with the clients that I work with. You can freaking have coffee or caffeine if you wanna, ok, but know this, okay? There's two things you need to know. Number one, caffeine to thyroid medication, even within an hour is going to walk thyroid hormone.


Interesting, right? So most of my women who are struggling with energy wake up in the morning, they go to their coffee, they, well, they take their medication, a lot of them take it when they get outta bed in the morning and then they take a shower, get dressed ready for the day, and then they go grab a pot of coffee and then they run out the door. So my, my challenge to you, or my advice to you would be do your thyroid medication, do all of that morning and ritual. But instead of coffee, protein, breakfast, that's gonna give you good sustainable energy. One of the places that I recommend start is with a protein shake in the morning. It's quick, it's easy, you're drinking it, you can grab it, you can go right? You're all morning protein and around nine 10 in the morning if you still want your coffee, have your thyroid, thyroid breakfast and then use your, your coffee.


Ok? So that's gonna be advice number one. Number two, to improve digestion. One of the things that I see women will eat fruit with protein. So I'm trying to think of an example. The only one that I'm coming up with is like chicken and pineapple salsa, right? Like, ooh, super yummy, super tasty. Like it's got like a grilled chicken and you know, rice and whatever. Super great. However, when you have thyroid eating something like that is not supporting digestion optimally in the beginning. So what we need to do, and you, I actually see this a lot for breakfast. Let's just go back to the protein smoothies really quickly. So when you're having protein, this smoothie is gonna be a little bit different. If you add in fruit and things like that, my recommendation would be that it like a vegan option or a plant-based protein that's gonna help with digestion as well.


Okay, so going back to the chicken and or actually, so the chicken and pineapple, that's be one example. I see a lot of doing this for snack. They'll have like I don't know, Turkey slices and an apple or you know whatever. It's, what we want be doing is if you're gonna eat fruit. And I do recommend that you eat fruit. I typical tell people to eat fruit for, for snacks, then pair it with a healthy fat and then eat your protein for your meals and so on and so forth. So hopefully this was super helpful and you guys gained value. If you did, head over to Instagram, take a screenshot of this and send to me. Let me know that you were listening and I'll see you on the next


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