128// Has Epstein Barr Virus Affected Your Thyroid with Leanne Brubacher

Leanna lives with her handsome husband and four amazing children in Ontario, Canada. She loves to read a good book, drink pour-over coffee, eat Asian food, and travel to new and exciting places. She also loves to research… give her a good medical mystery and her fingers will tingle with anticipation to start Googling. Leanna has dealt with a slew of health issues, and has researched countless hours to gain the knowledge she has as well as successfully using the strategies on herself and others. Her greatest wish is to empower you to feel better and get back your zest for life!


Connect with Leanne:


Book: Kiss Fatigue Goodbye & Say Hello to Energy: vibranthealedlife.com/kiss-fatigue-goodbye



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Leanna lives with her Hus, her handsome husband and four amazing kids in Ontario, Canada. She loves to read good books, drink, pour over coffee and eat Asian food, and and travel to new and exciting places. She also loves research. Give her a good medical mystery and her fingers will tingle with anticipation To start Googling. Leanna has dealt with a slew of health issues and has researched countless hours to gain the knowledge she has as well as successfully using the strategies on herself and others. Her greatest wish is to empower you,


Right? Welcome. Welcome back to the Thriving Throid podcast. You guys have Leanna Lee? Yeah, I said that right? Lianna Brew Baker. I have a niece named Liana, and so I just looking at the names, I always gonna probably mess that up. Leanna specializes in Epstein Bar and I'm really excited to have this conversation because we know that Epstein Bar is associated and related to thyroid. So welcome Leanna.


Thank you. It's nice to be here.


Yeah. So let's just start with your story and then we'll go into what Epstein Bar is and how people may come to suspect it and all of those wonderful things. So


Yeah, sure. I was born and raised in Virginia in the US and I met and married this tall, dark and handsome Canadian man. Have you ever read Jeannette Oak books back in the day? It's pretty far back, but the Royal Canadian Mounty always made my heart flutter. And my husband isn't in the police force, but he is everything else. My husband and I, we lived overseas for quite a few years, and over there at a standard practice to be given your blood and test results. After seeing a doctor, when we would have a medical issue and need to see a doctor, I would always go online to make sure that what was prescribed was acceptable or similar to what would be prescribed in Canada or the us. With four children, I got really good at scoping out an issue and what would be standard practice in dealing with it, even before seeing a doctor.


And then I had a couple of medical issues that the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong. And with the mentality that I could research on my own, I was able to figure it out myself. It was pretty empowering. Eventually we moved back to Canada and I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's hypothyroidism and I'm pretty certain that I had symptoms starting back when I was 22. But back then the doctors only tested my t s H and told me everything was normal. And as you know, by the way, a lot of people who have Epton bar also have Hashimotos and Epton Bar can take the blame for most autoimmune diseases. Hypothyroidism comes with a lot of the same symptoms as Epstein Bar. So when I was extremely tired, I just thought that my thyroid medication was off and I needed to increase.


Little did I know there was something else lurking under the surface. In my particular case, I was exhausted and so tired all the time. Anybody with hyperthyroidism knows like what I'm talking about, absolutely no energy to do anything else. And I was lucky to be able to still work, but barely. It was part-time, but it did take away from my family time because I would push myself to get through the day when I got home, I'd crash and, you know, just do the bare minimum. It's really hard to describe the exhaustion. It's not like I was falling asleep every moment, although I had lots of those. It's more like my brain would say, I really should sweep the floor and my body would say no, can-do. My legs felt really heavy and achy and I had no energy or desire to do anything else.


And when I did get up to do something, all I wanted to do was sit or lay down. I had trouble thinking clearly if I would be trying to cook and follow a recipe, I would lose my place or have to double check. If I did that step, I had trouble making plans or remembering plans. Making arrangements for my children to have friends over was so difficult. I also had a lot of joint pain to get down on the floor to change. My son was possible, but I could hardly stand up again because of the pain. My feet and ankles were swollen and my entire body ached with every movement. I had to sleep on my back because if I slept on my side, my arms and legs would lose circulation and fall asleep. When I got out of bed, the bottoms of my feet hurt from walking for the first 10 minutes and I was stiff and walked hunched over until my body warmed up.


So I did have an appointment with my family doctor and I mentioned all of the things that I was feeling. She ran some blood work and referred me to a rheumatologist who ran more blood work only to discover that I had a reactivation of Epson bar virus. I didn't even know I had Epton bar to begin with. And this like, it wasn't like a lot quick, sorry, it wasn't as quick as that made it sound. It took about nine months to get all of that done. And what did my doctors recommend for treatment? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Yeah. So I joined Facebook groups and I started researching. I put together a protocol for myself, purchased the supplements, and got started. Thankfully, it worked.


I love that. So one of a couple things. First and foremost, I know the listeners are gonna be like, oh my gosh, you just described me to a t <laugh>. You know, I've heard people saying when they get outta bed in the morning, they feel like they're walking on glass or they feel like their body is just tired, or they feel like they have a weighted vest on them where it's like, I just, I want to do the things, but I can't. Yeah. So I mean, it sounds like this is something that you also experienced. So when they told you you had a reactivation of Epstein Barr how, how did, how was that feeling for you? What were your thoughts that you experienced during that?


Well I was like, it was one of the tests I had requested because I knew that Epstein bar could be one of the root causes of Hashimoto's. But I was a little bit surprised. But like my first thought was mono, I have mono. That's like why I feel so terrible. So when I knew that and like as you know, like mono and Epstein bar, like Epstein bar can cause the mono symptoms. But when I knew that I had mono or Epton bar, I told my family that I have mono. And when you say the word mono, people understand more clearly like how you're feeling. They know that you feel like crap and you can hardly do anything and you're really tired all the time. So it was really freeing to be able to say that. And then my family helped out more and they could understand why I was feeling so terrible.


Isn't that interesting that, like you say Epstein bar and people are like, oh, you must feel like garbage. And then you say you have Aji Motos and they're like, okay, <laugh>, like, and just kind of move on.


Yeah, yeah.


Or did you not experience that part of it?


Well, like you say Hashimotos and they're like, what's that? Like, I don't know what that is. And I'm like, well, your thyroid is slow. And they're like, okay. But they don't understand how your thyroid not functioning properly, affects every aspect of your body's function. It affects all your organs and yeah, your brain and just everything You have cold hands and feet and yeah.


Yeah. Okay. So you, so after you found out, you went and research, cuz I didn't give you any help and you started taking supplements. So what is your background? Did you go on to like get education or how did you get to be where you're at right now?


Yeah, so I'm a self-learner, self-taught. So I've always been really interested in medical. But I, like, I was a dental assistant for a while but like I never did the studies to become certified in any of that. So I'm just a normal person who loves to study and research and I don't mind trying things out on myself. So so yeah, like that's my background.


Amazing, amazing. So what is Epstein Bar and how do you know if you have it or, yeah.


Okay. Yeah. Epstein Bar is one of the nine herpes viruses and it's one of the main viruses, like I said, to cause mono. And it's a well-known fact that 90 to 95% of the world's population has Epstein bar lurking inside of them. So that's like nine out of 10 people that have it. And it may not be active in everybody, obviously it isn't, but it's still in their bodies. Epton bar enters our bodies often when we're young and can even be passed to us from birth. Usually the body fights it off with no symptoms alerting us. That's even there. However, there is a part of the virus that remains when the body fights it off the virus creates a protective shield against our immune system so that our immune system doesn't recognize it as an enemy. So like, I don't know if you watched any of your kids' movies, like I think in Megamind there's a car that's invisible and that's kind of like the Epson bar virus where it, it has this invisibility about it.


It's in there and it affects our cells and everything, but you can't, the body, the immune system can't see it. So sometimes our body puts it into like, makes it go dormant so it hides and goes dormant somewhere inside of us. It could be in our throat or organs or blood cells. When our bodies become stressed really tired or sick from other viruses such as C O V D, EPON Bar pops out and seizes the opportunity to take over people with weakened immune systems like when you have a virus are more likely to have symptoms appear with reactivation. Research has linked Epson bar to covid long haulers, which means that covid reactivated Epstein bar and these covid long haulers actually have EPN bar. And Epstein Bar has been linked as a cause to a lot of diseases including, but not limited to multiple sclerosis, hash emoto thyroiditis, lupus type one diabetes, celiac and inflammatory bowel disease. In some cases it can cause cancer such as Hodgkin's lymphoma, Burkitts lymphoma, gastric carcinoma, breast cancer and leukemia.


This is really interesting. So just my own story, all of my listeners, if they've been around for the last year I got Covid last September and I was eight months pregnant, nine months pregnant, seven months, I don't know. I was pregnant, I was due in January and I, it took me a long time to recover and part like I remember saying to my husband, I don't know if this is like pregnancy related cuz I'm so tired or <laugh> because I'm in my third trimester, like, or if this is like the effects of Covid and I literally within this last week, I'm like, I'm starting to feel normal again. And it's, I mean it's been literally almost a year since I've had my baby. Wow. And like thir whatever, September, October, November 12, 13, 14, about 15 months since I've had Covid and I'm like, I'm just starting to feel normal.


So, and I know I had Epstein Bar as a kid, I didn't, or mono I should say I had mono, I was never officially diagnosed with it. But I was like, there's no way I didn't have it. My best friend had it and we slept in the same bed and we shared food and <laugh> like, you know, all of those things and looking back all the, like all of the fatigue that I had, everybody thought I was super depressed. I'd wake up, drag myself outta bed, go to school, come home and go to sleep. They would wake me up for dinner and I would go back to sleep, you know, <laugh>. Wow. And you know, at 14, 15, like you don't have the language to be like, I'm just so tired. I was like, I'm tired, I'm sleepy <laugh> like, so that's really interesting the, the connection to Covid long haulers. Because again, for myself, I just kind of chalk to some of this up to like pregnancy, postpartum, you know? Yeah,


Yeah, yeah. It's easy to do that. Yeah, a lot of people don't realize that Epstein Bar is actually reactivated like after Covid and that's it's, they share the same symptoms. So but there's research coming out now and a lot more people are becoming aware and some doctors know about testing for Epson bar if they have covid long haul and some don't. So you know, the awareness is getting out there.


That's amazing. Yeah. Yeah. And I mean some of it is just because Covid is new and we're all, we're all learning together. Yeah. for sure. So how does it affect our life long term? How would Covid affect our life long term at Li <laugh> lifelong? And can it be cured or how do we manage E B V?


Yeah, so if you don't mind, I'm just gonna back up, but one step and share some of the symptoms like we've talked a little bit about the symptoms and then there's some specific tests that can be taken for that. So some of the symptoms include fatigue, brain fog, skin rashes and mouth sores. Some people don't know that the mouth sores are actually from Epton bar. Other symptoms include difficulty sleeping joint and muscle pain, sore throat, headaches and fever. And for testing there's a four panel blood test that can be ordered. E A I G G, which is early antigen V C A I G M, which is viral capsid antigen, VCA A I G, which is viral capsid antigen, but with the IgG G form and then E B N A, IgG G, which is the nuclear antigen. And if you're worried about remembering all those tests don't stress you can go to vibrant healed life.com/test to download A P D F with the information that you need for getting tested if you're concerned about that.


And then how does it affect your life long-term? If your body can't fight off Epstein bar, you will feel horrible. The current symptoms will continue and more symptoms will appear. The virus will cause your immune system to attack your own organs, creating multiple autoimmune diseases. It's a miserable way to live. As for a cure, I'd like to share two things from the medical perspective at this time it is said to be uncurable, the best case scenario is deactivating the virus. It will remain in your system and as long as you eat properly and don't get too stressed or have hormonal changes, it will stay dormant. As soon as one of those changes, it has opportunity to become active and do damage. I will say that I have learned what to take to deactivate it and to keep it that way. I know what to do to keep it under control and it's a matter of having supplies on hand and recognizing the symptoms.


Now from alternative medicine, I have heard that stem cell treatment can be an effective course of action for those who are not able to manage Epstein Bar. One case study was of a lady who had Epstein bar blood tests confirmed it and after her stem cell treatment she was retested and the blood test results had no evidence of it anymore. The reason it's so astounding is because usually even after deactivating the virus, there are still antibodies showing that it was there. So some of the tests that I just mentioned, some of them are testing to see if you had it in the past and some of them are testing to see if you have it now. So stem cell treatment could be considered a cure. Yeah, so it's a great option and I want to add that if you're considering stem cell treatment, make sure it's a reputable place and I know of one and I'm planning to go there next year. So if you are interested in that, you can ask me more.


Awesome. Yeah. Is it, I might have to go get the baby. Hold on. She should be napping. So how, okay, so stem cell research and stem cell stuff, I don't even know what to call it. Treatment is incredible for people in the states. Well, let me ask about the treatment center. Is it something that people have to pay out of pocket or is it something that they'll work with their insurance or what they have?


Yeah, so what the states doesn't, the states in Canada, neither one of those have it approved for straight up treatment. Okay. So what they're working on in the states in Canada is they're taking, like say your liver isn't functioning properly, they'll I'm actually sure if it's the liver, which organ they take out, they give it stem cell treatment, then they put it back in. The place that I'm talking about is in Mexico and it is out of pocket. It's not cheap, but you do wanna make sure that you're getting, you know, good quality and stem cells that are verified and tested and all of that, cuz you don't wanna put anything that's not tested in your body.


Yeah, yeah. You know, and I think, like you said, if you are a listener and you're considering some kind of treatment, just please make sure it's a reputable place. I know they're like in Mexico and other places they have treatments that we just don't have access to. I have a friend who has very progressive stage four cancer and she has been receiving treatment out of the country and it's working phenomenal for her. She has multiple kids and so anything to prolong her life is, is absolutely a good choice, right? Like, I don't, I don't know how else to say that.


<Laugh>. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. And, you know I'm going, but like I have learned how to manage Hashimotos and I've learned how to manage the Epton bar. I, I also dealt with sibo and I learned how to treat that as well. So my quality of life is quite good. So I'm going and I'm gonna get some stem cell treatment as well to take care of. I have a lot of allergies, food allergies and things. So there's certain, a lot of foods that I can't eat. So I've heard that that's one of the first things that stem cells fixes is your food allergies. It fits, it fixes your gut. So I'm really excited about that, but I'm also taking my daughter who has some heart issues and we're gonna see if that will help as well. So it's, it's really neat progressive treatment. And it's unfortunate it's not available here and with insurance, but you know, one way I look at it is I could be spending $10,000 in the next few years on supplements and different things here and there, or I can go there and get like an even better life back. So yeah, it's just how you look at it there, I guess.


Yeah, no, and I, I love that you bring that up and this is something that's been on my mind the last couple of days is because, okay, this is like a side story, but it's gonna come back to health. So we built this house a couple year or about two years ago and we have this med room, we need to do a built-in, but we've bought all kinds of like baskets and bins and hooks and like everything only to like put a bandaid on it. And I walk in there and I'm like, it's still a crazy mess, right? Like I still, this is not a functional room, I'm gonna go crazy. And I finally like had the come to Jesus talk with my husband, I was like, it needs to be done before the end of the year because we've bought all these things.


The bins haven't held up, nobody uses it, like just bags are thrown on the floor. Like there's no organization to it. And we've spent money and probably more money than it would've been to just do the thing. And I think sometimes that's what we do with our health. We, we want to just take a pill or we want to just eat a brussel sprout or drink water and like everything to magically go away, but we don't look at over time what it's costing us the cost of like financially not finding real answers, real solutions. You know, luckily for you, you did enough research and you were able to figure it out, but for some people who maybe don't have the time, don't have the maybe aptitude or the desire to learn, but they want to feel better, that's where investing in working with a coach, working with a mentor is so much more powerful than trying to figure it out on your own.


Yeah, for sure.


So yeah. Okay. let's go back to talk about how long it does it take for you to heal or see results in regards to feeling better from Epstein Bar?


Yeah. I started the protocol and I noticed a positive change in the first two weeks. But it took about two months for me to say, Hey, I'm feeling great all the time, not just for a day or two here and there, but like all the time. And I'm not sure if you've heard about the Herxheimer effect or die off making you feel worse. This protocol is designed to reduce the effects of Die Off. It takes a little longer, but it's a much more gentle approach to healing.


This is kind of a side note, and maybe you don't have an answer <laugh> for this, but how, if somebody has Epstein Bar and lion's Disease, are they connected or can like some of this over, like some of what you do for Epstein Bar overlap with Lyme's Disease or any of those other infections?


Yeah for sure, like Epstein Bar can definitely play a part in having lupus or Lyme's Disease or some of these other things. So sometimes it's hard to know which, which one to treat first. Yeah, yeah. But like treating Epstein Bar would be beneficial for, for the lupus or the Lyme or you know, whatever else you might have because it eliminates that process going on in your body that so then your body can focus more on healing from the, the lime or the other thing as well. And a lot of, you know, a lot of our lifestyle is lifestyle is very instrumental in how we heal too. So like eating healthy reducing stress or managing stress and, you know, all of that is, is influential with, with any of these diseases. So like if you are eating healthy for Epstein Bar, which that will also help the Lyme or the Lupus or that kind of thing as well.


Yeah. Okay. Yeah, totally makes sense. So we talked about how long it takes, right? Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>, can we talk about that? Okay. <Laugh> if I had this, what num what is the number one thing that you, so if you, if someone had Epstein Bar, maybe they know, maybe they've been tested, maybe they've been, they suspect, whatever what is one thing that they can do to make a difference for them?


Okay. well I have a book so they could buy the book and that would be an easy way to have a step-by-step direction on what to do. But otherwise, like eat healthy, choose fruits and vegetables over junk food, eat clean meats and protein manage dress and be happy. But there are like, there are other natural antivirals that can be taken. And they are important because they fight specifically against the Epstein Bar virus. So so yeah, getting knowledge on some antivirals taking things like coital silver there's coconut oil, which is very good for like, it's an antifungal, antiviral antibacterial thing to take. And there's lycine and Mono Larin and there's cat claw. Like there's a whole list of things that can be done. But yeah, in the book, i, I go over it and it's just a, it's a simple two step protocol and it's easy. It's not expensive to buy the supplements and just follow the directions and should make a big difference.


That's amazing. Well, thank you so much Liam. Is there we're gonna link everything up in the show notes. I know we've talked about this so vibrant healed life.com and you said the, the testing information is vibrant healed life.com/um testing, but if people want to follow you on social media or connect with you, how can they do that?


Yeah, so I have an Instagram and a Facebook page. It's both under vibrant Healed Life vibrant healed life.com right now. There's a key nutrients blueprint if somebody wants to get, to get a list of all of the key nutrients that you need to, to live a healthy life. And then there's also the book Kiss Fatigue, goodbye and say Hello to Energy that's also available. So you can connect with me anywhere there.


Yeah. Awesome. And then to buy the book, you just go to your website and is that the only place they can find it or is there


Yeah, right now it's only available on my website. Yeah, the book is vibrant healed life.com/kiss fatigue. Goodbye. Or you can go to vibrant heal life.com, get the key nutrients, and that will take you to the sales page for the book as well.


Perfect. Awesome. Thank you so much. Is there anything, any last words of wisdom or anything the listeners should know before we close today?


Yeah, I would say just never give up. Like it is possible to heal and to feel better. So never give up. Believe that you can and you can do it.


Awesome. Thank you so much. We will see you guys on the next


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