139// Understand Your Metabolic Type and How to Eat For Your Metabolism



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March 13th 2023, @ 10:30pm MST


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We have several different opportunities to work with us at several different price points and opportunities. 


Our signature 6-month program is called The Hansen Method, we offer this in a VIP setting with personalized plans and protocols, individual one on one coaching and incredible bonuses that change regularly. You can schedule a complimentary thyroid breakthrough call with one of our thyroid advisors. Click here.  If you have questions about the Hansen Method and want to discuss your specific situation and make sure this is the right program for you you can schedule a complimentary thyroid breakthrough call with one of our team members. schedule here. Hurry, my schedule fills up quickly and we only work with limited amount of women at any given time.


 Join hundreds of women who have improved their symptoms by 80% and lose on average 30lbs in the 4 months.  


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Option number 2 includes group coaching and access to our members facebook group that will allow you access to our Thyroid Success Coaches and testing with personalized protocols. Click here to purchase.   


But one of our favorite ways to work with us is our Thriving Thyroid Coaching Membership Opportunity.  This is where many of clients first begin working with us. It allows you to get to know us, our system and start making changes before making a larger financial investment. Click here to learn more











Shannon Hansen


P.S. Make sure to schedule our Thyroid Breakthrough call with one of our thyroid advisors. 



Welcome back to the Thriving Thyroid Podcast, where we choose to become empowered patients and take our health into our own hands. Hi, I'm Shannon Hansen, a Christian entrepreneur, a mom of three. And after dealing with my own health mysteries, I made it my mission to learn everything I could about the thyroid. I soon became certified as a holistic wellness practitioner, a functional nutrition practitioner, and a functional diagnostic practitioner, and so much more After that, I founded the Revolutionary Thyroid Program, the Hanon Method. As a health professional and a mom, I fully understand the importance of having a fun, simple, and sustainable plan for achieving a responsive thyroid. So I share actionable and practical strategies for developing a responsive thyroid so that the ambitious moms and women can gain freedom from fatigue and lose the thyroid weight once and for all. Each week, I will be here for you, along with my guest experts. We will be sharing simple and tangible tips that work for not only your thyroid, your hormones, your family, and your mindset, so that you can get back to living the life that you envision for yourself. Welcome to the Thriving Thyroid Podcast Cast.


Hey, you guys, welcome back to the Thriving Thyroid Podcast with your host Shannon Hansen. Myself, I wanted to come on and talk to you guys about metabolic typing and what it is, how it works, why it's important to know when it comes to your thyroid, and also what we typically see when it comes to thyroid, like a dysregulated thyroid, whether most, most of the women that I work with have homos or hypothyroidism. And so having this information is going to be very valuable for you guys in understanding why I make the recommendations that I make. Now, if you're new here, you know that I don't advocate for one specific type or methodology of eating. I don't say everybody needs to be paleo or everybody needs to be keto, or everybody needs to be fill in the blank, right? Because we are all genetically and metabolically different, and therefore our nutritional needs are going to be different than the next person.


Even though we share the same maybe diagnosis as the next person, still does not mean that we're all the same. And this is the common practice when it comes to modern day medicine is, oh, you have this diagnosis. Here's, here's what we're gonna do. You have this, we're gonna, this is what we're gonna do. It's really, really important for us to understand that, that, and this is why a majority of the plans and the protocols out there, in my opinion, don't work because they don't take into consideration your metabolic and your genetic needs. Okay, so let's dive in to this. And really, when I see practitioners only recommending like one type of eating, this is a huge red flag for me. I'm like, <laugh>, put on the breaks, right? Pump those breaks because we're all different. So first and foremost, you need to understand one, we're all medical metabolically and genetically different.


Number two, there are genetic components that pre-wire you two specific things. So we explain genetics in the sense of like a gun, right? Your genetics will load the gun, but it doesn't necessarily fire the bullet. Something else has to, has to pull the trigger. And one of everybody wants to know, well, what, what's the trigger? <Laugh>? I tell people it's not usually one thing. There's usually at least five components that is causing that trigger to be pulled, right? So that's gonna be stress, perception of stress, that's gonna be food, environmental things, poor sleep, poor exercise maybe I, I don't know, exposure to certain kinds of chemicals, heavy metals cleaning products. I mean, there's just a wide range of things that can, can trigger this. And usually you'll find that women, men too, I'm sure <laugh>, I typically work with women, but you women will start to notice things slowing down after a big traumatic event or experience.


This is true for myself. When I, I look back, I can, I can see different emotional impacts that impacted me to where I'm at today. I like, one of the big things that I remember really slowing down my body seemed to be the death of my dad. It was very sudden, it was very quick. It was, I mean, literally within 30 days, exactly 30 days of his diagnosis of lung cancer was the day he passed away. And there were a lot of events surrounding that of other people just not being nice <laugh> and, and I was pregnant and lack of sleep and that, like, there were definitely big components that led up to that. And I, I feel like that's true for all of the women that I talked to right before coming to work with me or right before they get diagnosed. It's like, boom, we have this big thing.


Okay? Next thing is, this is why I teach my clients about metabolic typing. So let's dive into metabolic typing. There are two main categories of metabolic typing. There's fast oxidizers and there's slow oxidizers inside of each of these metabolite, metabolize, <laugh> types. Inside of these metabolic types, there are subcategories. So we call them one, two, three, four, like a fast one, two, or three or four or a slow, 1, 2, 3 or four. The larger the number, the more outta balance you become. So the, the greater that teeter totter is tipped in one way or another way. So depending on these different metabolic types is going to dictate how our body is processing and breaking down the foods. So I wanna give you guys some examples. So for example, I fall into that fast oxidizer category. I, the way that my body breaks down nutrients. I need to be eating higher amounts of fat and protein with a lower amount of carbs, and I feel best when I eat for like breakfast steak, eggs or an omelet or something like that, because both of these have higher amounts of protein and higher amounts of fats in them, because this is, when I eat that way, I have lasting and more sustainable energy.


I have a greater sense of wellbeing. The protein in there helps to give me that serotonin that I need so that my mood is better, my energy is better, the mental clarity is better, versus if I eat oatmeal for, for breakfast. Now, other people may feel great on oatmeal, but I tend to be, I wouldn't say like sluggish, but I just noticed that like I don't have as much energy as when I eat, you know, higher protein and I don't have the mental clarity that normally, like, I don't get super sleepy. I have some clients who are like, oh, I get so sleepy after, after I eat oatmeal. I don't have that issue. I just notice that my energy and my motivation and my mental clarity is much better when I have the higher amounts of protein. And I also find that I am, I will get more hungry if I'm just eating oatmeal.


It's like within 20 minutes, 30 minutes, maybe an hour, like I'm looking for something snacky <laugh> to get on and, and stuff because my body is just burning through that much more quickly. So this is what metabolic typing does. All of the aboves are great, right? Eggs, omelet, oatmeal, steak and eggs, like all of those are great options. They're all whole foods, they're all nutrient dense. So I think we can all agree that those are pretty good options. However, for me, I, I do the best with steak and eggs. Like I've tested it, I've tried it out, like I know that that is the best for me. And metabolic typing is like, I, hopefully most of you guys are old enough <laugh> to remember these. But they have those, those radio stations where you're turning the dial, you know, one way to the left and it's like, oh, okay, I went too far and now it's getting fuzzy.


And then, okay, I'm gonna turn it back. Oh, I went too far to the other side and I'm turning it back in. So what I recommend for my clients is to of course, journal their food, but also pay attention to other things. Are you hungry 20 minutes later are like, I notice when I <laugh>, when I eat oatmeal and I do eat oatmeal from time to time, but when I'm eating it, I'm also pairing it with healthy fats and I'm pairing it with extra protein because if I just eat oatmeal, that doesn't satiate my body. So what I do is like, I'll add in either protein powder or I'll eat some eggs on the side of it. I will add in hemp parts and, you know, just some healthy fats or I also don't like <laugh> my text, my, the texture of oatmeal just plain.


I like to always add in like he parts or pumpkin seeds or walnuts or something like that. So I kind of doctor up my oatmeal in order to meet both of those needs. A higher amount of protein and a higher amount of of those healthy fats. And that is because I've trialed and errored it. <Laugh>, I mean, and I did have a starting off point, right? Like I've done the functional testing, it tells you in the htma what your metabolic type is. But even inside of that, I mean, it tells you your metabolic type and your subcategory. But because we're all genetically and metabolically different, I have to figure out what feels good in my body and how my body is going to respond. Now, one of the other things that help us to know, hey, I'm on the right track and things are going in a good positive direction, is those hunger and fullness hormones.


So early on in the programs, my, my clients start to say things like, I'm finally feeling hungry. I'm finally feeling full. I finally wake up and I, I like, I feel that growling turning sensation in my stomach, and I know it's time for me to eat. When you start feeling hungry, when you start feeling full, when those, when those hormones slept in a grill and begin to balance out, then you also have a greater clue, Hey, I'm on the right track. I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing. This is really good for my body. And you will start feeling that once you start implementing these things. So with that being said, let's talk about, so we talked about my metabolic typing. I want to give you guys some, I guess more insight or some greater clues as to how to help you determine your metabolic typing and what, what you can begin to implement and, and things like that.


So when it comes to that portion of things the best way to determine your metabolic typing is of course, functional testing. Otherwise, you're really a trial and erroring, you're, you're trying to like figure out what that is and you already may have a sense of like, I feel better when I eat eggs or then, you know, cereal, or I feel better when my afternoon snack is an apple and peanut butter. Like you might already kind of know some of this <laugh> because you live in your body and it's really important that we do pay attention to that. So functional testing is going to be the best way to determine if you can't afford functional testing, if you aren't working with me in my program or something, what I recommend is starting with, I'm gonna say like 90% of my clients are a slow oxidizer.


So what that's going to look like when you're building your plate is about 30 to 40% of it should be protein for your body and about, so 30, yeah, 30 to 40%. So let's just say 40%. I find 40% is a little more accurate for my clients versus the 30% healthy fats should be about 25%. So healthy fats are gonna be your olives, your, I wanna say sardines, <laugh>, don't know why that's coming up. Your sardines it's also gonna be your olive oils, your coconut oil avocados, those nuts, seeds, those types of things fall into those healthy fat categories. So that should be about 25% of what you're eating. So if you're using olive oils or things when you're cooking, I would count that just as you're, you're fat if you're not, if you're eating, let's say a salad or something, then you want about 25% of that salad to be some source of healthy fat in there.


And then third, hold on, let me think of <laugh>. The right ratio. 35% maybe that makes up a hundred percent, 35% should be fiber-based or carbohydrates. Now what I tell my clients is, yes, you can have grains you know, rice, oatmeal, things like that. I would focus on vegetables, focus on broccoli, focus on carrots, focus on cruciferous type things. And, and then go from there and see, see how you do. I have one client who pretty much cut out carbohydrates because she has celiac and that was the easiest way for her to, to get her body to respond is she just cut out pretty much all carbs, not intentionally. As she has added them back in, she is finding that her body feels better, she has more energy. She teaches three to four hours of yoga. You know, not every day, but a lot of days, especially when you own a yoga studio.


And she's like, when I have those grains, I find that it stimulates my body in such a way that it causes her to be hungry in a good way. So she's no longer skipping meals, she's fueling her body with what she needs. So start with fruits and veggies and then kind of play around with it and see, do I do good with having rice? Do I do good with having oats? Do I do good? You know, this way, that way. What are those portion sizes that work really well for me? And then the last thing that I wanna talk about is how do you make the transition for your metabolic type? Now again, it, metabolic typing isn't about counting macros or weighing and measuring and portion out food. It's about looking at your plate and seeing, hey, this is, this looks like a good ratio <laugh> for me, right?


This looks like what my body needs to be in, in balance. And so what I recommend starting with is an A mix. So this is a metabolic mix. This is what you'll do if you are within balance and your body's feeling really good. So you'll have about 50% of your plate as protein like animal protein, so chicken, beef, salmon, you know, fish, things like that. And then 50% of it will be vegetables. And then start playing with the ratios from there. Get that baseline to say, how did I feel when 50% was like vegetables and 50% was meat on my plate? And then try higher amounts of protein. Try lower amounts of protein, try higher amounts of vegetables, lower amounts of vegetables, and see how your body reacts or response. If you feel better, meaning more energy, more mental clarity one way or another, that's your sign that you're on the right path in terms of eating for your metabolic typing. So if you guys want more information on this, we have an upcoming masterclass at the end of March, March 25th. I will not be running another masterclass until probably May or June on this topic. So get registered. Even if you can't attend live, we will send you the replay for that and I will see you guys on the next.


Before you go, I want to give you a special invite to an upcoming, an upcoming master class on three overlooked hormonal shifts that are helping you to heal your thyroid function. This class is incredible, you guys. We are diving in depth on so many different things. First and foremost, we're gonna be talking about healthy food that is blocking thyroid function. We're gonna learn how to combine foods to help maximize your nutritional intake, and also going to be teaching you about metabolic typing and how to eat according to your metabolic type so that you don't have to quote unquote diet again. Your body will easily be able to get the nutrient needs, reduce inflammation and slough off the excess weight. We're gonna talk about how the current medical model is failing you and keeping you stuck when it comes to your thyroid. We're gonna be talking about thyroid blockers and how they're coming into your life and keeping your medication from not working optimally, keeping you tired, fatigued, puffy, inflamed with brain fog.


We're gonna also dive into medication and supplements that is blocking thyroid function and one of my most favorite topics, how your body is speaking to you and what you need to know in order to know how to listen to it. Last but not least, we're gonna teach you and walk you through the steps to help you understand symptom mapping and how you can take your health into your own hands. Head over to the show notes, register for our upcoming class and get all of the details on the dates and times. I'll see you on the next


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