155 | Surviving the Luteal Limbo: Navigating the Hormonal Rollercoaster of Your Menstrual Cycle Part 4


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Shannon Hansen

P.S. Make sure to schedule our Thyroid Breakthrough call with one of our thyroid advisors. 

audio transcription


Welcome back to the Thriving Thyroid Podcast, where we choose to become empowered patients and take our health into our own hands. Hi, I'm Shannon Hansen, a Christian entrepreneur, a mom of three. And after dealing with my own health mysteries, I made it my mission to learn everything I could about the thyroid. I soon became certified as a holistic wellness practitioner, a functional nutrition practitioner, and a functional diagnostic practitioner. And so much more after that, I founded the Revolutionary Thyroid Program, the method. As a health professional and a mom, I fully understand the importance of having a fun, simple, and sustainable plan for achieving a responsive thyroid. So I share actionable and practical strategies for developing a responsive thyroid so that the ambitious moms and women can gain freedom from fatigue and lose the thyroid weight once and for all. Each week, I will be here for you, along with my guest experts. We will be sharing simple and tangible tips that work for not only your thyroid, your hormones, your family, and your mindset, so that you can get back to living the life that you envisioned for yourself. Welcome to the Thriving Thyroid Podcast.


All right, you guys. Welcome back to the Thriving Thyroid Podcast with your host Shannon Hansen. I, we are talking about the lu teal limbo, that phase between ovulation and menstruation, and what happens between the two big events of our monthly cycles. So this is a continuation of a four-ish part series where we've been talking about all things hormones and helping us to understand how these different phases, phases of our body are impacting our health, our hormones, our energy, our bowel movements, our digestive tract, like honestly, so much is happening during this period of time throughout the month. Now, as a reminder, men cycle their hormone cycle daily. As women, our hormones cycle monthly. And so where as men come home and they're like, I need to take a little nap and rest like that is quote unquote normal for them. However, the same thing happens for us, but ours happens on that monthly, that monthly continuation, <laugh>.


So let's talk about the 10 to 14 days between ovulation and your menstruation. So this is when your hormones peak in concentration, they start to rise, rise, rise, and then they drop right before our menstruation or our menstrual cycle. So estrogen, progesterone, and est, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, all peak right before the, the cycle starts. Now, estrogen specifically peaks right before you start your cycle. And this is what causes a peak in energy. And this is also when you might notice the day before your cycle, you go into a nesting phase, I gotta get everything done, I need to do the dishes and do the laundry, and I have all this energy and I wanna organize the cabinets and clean out the car, and, you know, do all of the things in preparation for the lack of energy that's gonna happen while you're on your menstrual cycle.


And this is something that I really don't think I realized until recently and like how it impacted not only myself, but also my clients. And so it's really fun and interesting to watch how, if that happens, right? Like if you experience that or if you don't, and why don't you, and all of those things. So, okay, moving on, <laugh>. Estrogen is going to thicken the uterine lining and progesterone is what keeps it there. And so with a lot of women who struggle with hypothyroidism, we have heavy cycles. Or, and Hashimotos, we have heavy cycles because estrogen is really high and those xenoestrogens and stuff are in the body confusing the body and mimicking estrogen. So the estrogen is like essentially doubly <laugh>, doubly high. That's not the right <laugh>, that's not the right thing, but that's what our body thinks, right?


Well, progesterone is on the low end. So this is why we also see issues with P C O S insulin resistance, some of the, those other hormonal imbalances with hypothyroidism. And so one of my like favorite things of all time is making sure that I am supporting progesterone levels in myself and also in the clients that I'm working with. There are several different ways. Progesterone creams plat wellness has one, I will link up the progesterone cream that I use in in the show notes for you guys. If there's a discount code, it's awesome. And I also find that on those nights that I'm kind of wound up where I'm like, oh my gosh, I have this to do and that to do and this to do, and I'm, I'm feeling a little bit maybe more anxious and having a hard time settling down for the night I can put on some progesterone cream.


And it just relaxes my mind and my body and my spirit, and I just feel so much better. And I'm able to sleep well <laugh>. So, okay, so the next thing that we wanna be doing for that lal phase in terms of like exercise, this is where we want to focus on burning extra energy. So strength training, yoga scaling back for, and scaling back for the second week. Okay, so for the fir, so let me see if I can clear this up. So during the ovulation, your ovulation phase, which is a three to five window period of time, you can do hit training, you can do boot camps, you can do some high intensity interval training, strength training, yoga training, like your body is designed to have a little bit more energy. And now, so that's for about a week. And then that second week or that first week after ovulation and the first week of your lu teal phase, you can continue, you can continue using up that extra energy, okay?


Continue doing the hit training, continue doing the boot boot camps, yoga, cycling, things like that. On the, a couple days before your cycle, you are going to want to scale back a little bit, maybe shift to some yoga, some Pilates, some swimming, some light exercise that is still movement, still working good in your body, but your body, because all of the hormones are revving up right before they, they drop down, you're gonna feel some shifts inside your body in terms of energy. Your body's gonna let you know, especially if you are very in tune with what your body is saying. So during this week, during, or the two weeks I guess of your L tail phase, you're gonna wanna focus on be rich foods, calcium rich foods, and magnesium rich foods. Now, one of the things that I tell my clients is the week before your cycle and while you're on your cycle, you are going to use up more magnesium.


And as a result, this is where a lot of people want to, like, this is where we get snappy. This is where we get irritable. This is where we start to experience some of those PMs type symptoms. And you're like, why do I feel so crazy? <Laugh>, right? So this can just be a way to keep your body calm and keep you feeling really, really good. So some examples of be rich foods and some of these you guys like you might not like <laugh>, that's okay. Just find what you like. You don't have to eat all of them, but dark leafy green. So that's gonna be your spinach, your collared greens, turn up greens lettuce. Also organ meats. I tell people even red meat, okay, is gonna be really good and really high. And B, vitamins. I have never tried liver. I, that's not something that like I can bring myself to, but I have used like organ meat and capsules.


Code age has some really, really great ones. And so they have all of the B vitamins. And so I've taken those around my menstrual cycle in the past to help because they're also really good in iron and a lot of us are like, because we are shedding, we lo we use up some of those other vital nutrients. So the next weighing is eggs. Eggs are great for ha being rich and be vitamins. If you can do dairy, do milk it is rich and B vitamins. I know many, many people ha with Hashimotos and hypothyroidism have issues with dairy. So what I recommend for all of my clients is to remove it for a minimum of 90 days to allow the inflammation and allowed the body to kind of reset and restore itself. And then if you want to try to reintroduce it, take notice to how you feel.


And of course dairy is one of those things that I always, always, always recommend that you are using good high quality products. Raw milk is gonna be the best. A two Milk is also great talking to your farmers about, you know, what, how they raise their <laugh>, how they raise their cows, what they're feeding them. All of those are also super important. Oysters, clams and muscles, legumes. So those are gonna be like your beans. So black beans chick peas, kidney beans, pinto beans, those types of things. Chicken and Turkey, which we talked about. And so then let's talk about magnesium rich foods. Now magnesium is honestly like this really cool mineral. And we, most of our clients don't have enough magnesium. Especially women. We're not, we're not consuming enough magnesium for the amount of stress that we are under on an ongoing basis.


And so we really want to focus on magnesium rich foods. This is why I think women love chocolate, because naturally chocolate is really high in magnesium. And so we want, we crave that, we want that, we need that. And our body recognizes chocolate as being rich in magnesium. And so around our cycle, guess what? Your chocolate cravings increase. There's a reason for this. So dark chocolate I, what is it? 70% or higher is really what we're looking for. There is a brand, you guys, huli moly, <laugh>, like it's, I'm like, I don't know if I can eat any other chocolate anymore. Like, it's so good. It's called Hugh, I think I'm saying that right. H u it comes in like a brown-ish bag, that's not the right word, but like container, maybe a bag <laugh>, I dunno what it's called. I just get 'em at my local grocery store.


It's not they're not super hard to find. I've seen 'em on Amazon. But hu hu I'm assuming is the brand that I love. Now, the ones that I have gotten are filled with cashew butter, which as we've just talked about, you need more magnesium and you need more B vitamins. Both of those things are in, in that little chocolate bar thing. And honestly, like they have these little tiny squares, I just want to nibble, nibble on them because they're very rich, but they're also very decadent. They don't add extra sugars, oils or a lot of the other inflammatory things for that we find in a lot of chocolates out there. So highly recommend, highly recommend for that. The next food that is rich in magnesium is going to be avocados. This I know can be pretty surprising for a lot of people.


At least for me, when I learned that, cuz that wasn't something that I was like, oh yeah, mag oh my goodness, avocados are rich in magnesium. So now for the rest of the magnesium rich foods, a lot of these are gonna cross over into the be rich foods calcium or yeah, calcium rich foods, because food is not an isolated nutrient. It's not just magnesium, it's not just calcium. A lot of these foods work synergistically together to help with the bioavailable form of those nutrients. So spinach, swiss chard, dark chocolate, sunflower seeds, cashews flax seeds, almond butter, pumpkin seeds, amaranth, black beans. Like I said, avocados, quinoa is also really, really great. Lina figs, yogurt, bananas.


And then let's go towards the calcium rich foods. So the calcium rich foods that I'm gonna recommend, we all know that like milk, <laugh> cheese, they say are good sources of calcium. However, things like broccoli specifically broccoli stems are gonna be really, really high in calcium, figs, chia seeds, almonds, butternut squash, collards, kale. Those types of plant-based things are going to be fantastic for that. As well as like what we talked about earlier, some of the avocados, celery, fennel, Brussels sprouts cabbage. Again, I mean, some of this I feel like we're kind of like <laugh> beating, beating a dead horse, you know, where it's like, okay, Shannon, we know, we know we should be eating whole foods. But sometimes I think it's important for us to understand and also take note to like, oh, when I'm on my menstrual cycle, I crave chocolate. Or when I'm on my menstrual cycle, man, I just can't get enough of that green smoothie that I make. And maybe it's not the like green smoothie specifically, but maybe it's the spinach that you're putting in there, or the kale that you're putting in there, or some of those other nutrients. So listen to that and take notice of that and tune into your body because your body is always communicating with you. All right, you guys, I will see you on the next.


Before you go, I'm thrilled to share an extraordinary opportunity with all of you who are struggling with your thyroid. I want to introduce to you the game changer that will revolutionary revolutionize your journey to better health and wellbeing through the thyroid Fed Hub. I know that you're struggling with energy and fatigue and low libidos and hair loss and brain fog and weight gain, and I know firsthand the frustration and the challenges that come with this condition. But guess what? The thyroid fed is here to make your life so much easier, starting with your grocery bills. Cindy, one of our amazing members, she used to spend $200 a week on groceries for her family, but with the thyroid Fed hub, sh, and meal planning database, she is now slashed out to $150 a week. So imagine that the money that you're spending, that you'll save while enjoying these delicious and nutritious foods that also support your hormones and your thyroid.


So no more stressing about what to make for dinner or how to nourish your body properly for your thyroid. The Thy Thyroid Fed Hub provides you with methods and strategies to support your thyroid hormone function, ensuring that you're on the right track for better hormone balancing and sustainable weight loss. So say goodbye to overwhelming meal choices and hello to Food Freedom and Confidence. But that's not all. As a member of the Thyroid Fed Hub, you'll get exclusive access to quarterly bonus trainings. These trainings will dive in depth on specific topics to that are designed to empower our clients from understanding your metabolic mastering to mastering meal planning to meal prep, we've got you covered. We are committed to giving you the knowledge and the tools that it needs, that you need in order to take control of your health journey. And guess what? We also provide you with monthly q and a sessions where you can bring your burning questions and get personalized guidance.


Our team of expert coaches will be right there with you offering valuable insight and advice to help you make informed food decision and further balance the thyroid hormones. So ladies, this is your chance to break free from the weight of your thyroid struggles, join the thyroid fed and the hub thyroid fed hub, and experience an incredible transformation that awaits you. Imagine feeling more energized, shedding those stubborn pounds, and becoming the best version of yourself You are you ready to embark on this journey with us? Head over to the show notes and check out the thyroid Fed hub and secure your spot. You don't wanna miss this opportunity to save money, reduce stress, and reclaim your vitality together. Let's thrive with balance with a balanced thyroid and renew the sense of confidence and freedom you have in food choices. And don't forget, it is only $20 a month. It is less than $30 a day for someone to plan your meals and give you a personalized grocery list. All right? I can't wait to welcome you to our vibrant community at the thyroid Fed. So get he ready to transform your life and truly feel amazing because you deserve it, my friend. See you on the inside.


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