125 // Joanna Struggled with Food Sensitivities, Anxiety, Depression and Breathing Issues - Here’s What She Did!



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Shannon Hansen


P.S. Make sure to schedule our Thyroid Breakthrough call with one of our thyroid advisors. SHOW NOTES



You guys, I have a special treat for you today. I am talking with Joanna. Now, I didn't forget about this interview, but this was an interview that I did with Joanna back in February, 2021. We she essentially is sharing her story with us, and you guys may remember her husband, her husband is, was on the episode 66, I believe. Hold on, let me double check. <Laugh> double check this where we're talking about the silent or 65. Okay, it should be 65. The silent struggles that your husband faces when you have hypothyroidism. And so it's actually really, really interesting to listen to both of them and their stories and their perspectives on what they were going through without really sharing with each other <laugh> what the other one was like, what they were thinking because they were trying to shield and guard and protect their loved one.


And the thing that I find so interesting about this is, this is something that I'm pretty sure is pretty universal <laugh>. When you are in a loving, committed relationship, you oftentimes don't want to share with the other person what you are going through and how it's affecting you. And I know, okay, I wasn't planning on talking about this at the beginning, but we're gonna do <laugh>, just go ahead and do it. So I know a lot of the women who want to come work with me and they say, yep, I wanna work with you. I need to talk to my husband about it. They go talk to their husband, they come back and they're like, you know, my husband isn't fully on board. Because a big part of it is they don't fully understand or recognize what is going on and how it's impacting you every single day because you're shielding that part of you that is like not feeling well.


The, the headaches, the migraines, the fatigue, the pain in your body, the heavy menstrual cycles. Part of it is they don't understand cuz they're a man. But another part of it is you masking what is going on and like, just not wanting to fully tell them how much it is impacting you and how much it is affecting you emotionally, physically, psychologically. Because we as women, our job is to just keep going, keep going, keep going. And I had a naturopathic doctor a few years ago. He was like how did he say it? He was like, women are like the energizer bunny. They just keep going and going and going. And they, when they're so stressed out and when they hit this level of burnout, this is when they develop autoimmunity. This is when they develop these chronic diseases. And yet you women keep going <laugh>.


And I was like, oh. And he's like, if it's a man, he has a heart attack and he dies and that's it. He just, he just dies. And, and I was like, that is so interesting. And I, since that period of time, I have looked around at friends, family members. Well, I don't actually think anybody in my family, any of the men, let me say, have had heart attacks, but people we've gone to church with. And I know that the men that have had heart attacks and had major things and been very, very close to death in that regard, when that came for them, they were stressed out, they were burdened. They were to the point of overwhelm, burnout. And I've watched friend after friend after friend, woman after woman after woman, client after client, after client struggle with that level of burnout. And yet they just push through.


Well, this is just my new normal. I'm just gonna keep going. Holy fricking moly, <laugh>. So anyways, I hope you find this episode listening to Joanna insightful, inspiring, and I hope you can find some peace to know that you're not alone, but more importantly that you matter and that it is important for you to take care of yourself. It's like that oxygen mask. If you don't put that oxygen mask on first, everybody else around you is gonna be struggling. So here's my challenge to you <laugh>. Listen to today's episode, which aam it, and then go back to episode 65 and listen to her husband because I think it will be very enlightening for you. And I hope you share some of this with your husband as well and open up that dialogue. All right, I'll see you inside. Welcome back to the Thriving Thyroid Podcast, where we choose to become empowered patients and take our health into our own hands.


Hi, I'm Shannon Hansen, a Christian entrepreneur, a mom of three. And after dealing with my own health mysteries, I made it my mission to learn everything I could about the thyroid. I soon became certified as a holistic wellness practitioner, a functional nutrition practitioner, and a functional diagnostic practitioner. And so much more after that, I founded the Revolutionary Thyroid Program, the Handsome Method. As a health professional and a mom, I fully understand the importance of having a fun, simple, and sustainable plan for achieving a responsive thyroid. So I share actionable and practical strategies for developing a responsive thyroid so that the ambitious moms and women can gain freedom from fatigue and lose the thyroid weight once and for all. Each week I will be here for you, along with my guest experts. We will be sharing simple and tangible tips that work for not only your thyroid, your hormones, your family, and your mindset, so that you can get back to living the life that you envisioned for yourself.


Welcome to the Thriving Thyroid Podcast. All right. Hey guys, welcome to today's conversation. We have Joanna here with us and we're gonna be talking about her experience through the Hanson method and why she came to work with us and just kind of some of the struggles and the, and the things that she was experiencing before, kind of in the middle and then where she is now and what her health journey looks like in regards to her thyroid, her body, her breathing which was a big thing and, and all of that. So thanks Joanna, for being on today.


Oh, thank you for having me.


Yeah, I'm excited for this conversation. So let's begin at the, at the beginning. So when you came to me, right when we started having conversations in private messenger and you know, got on the call, where were you? What was going on with your, with your health?


Oh my gosh, I was in a really bad place. I was struggling. Didn't know what the heck was going on. I was struggling with breathing. That was my biggest complaint, not being able to eat a lot of different foods just because something was like aggravating the breathing even more. Not sleeping well and just not feeling good at all. I would kind of say that I was depressed to some point and had anxiety like crazy too. Like, I'm gonna be like this forever. There's no hope.






I remember that. And it's funny you say food was triggering some things I had completely forgot about that <laugh>.


Oh yeah. That was a big, big thing for me. It was like, I don't know if it was just food on top of everything else or if it was just, I don't know, different things triggering different symptoms. I have no idea, but I'm better <laugh>, that's all. Yeah.


That, that's all that matters. And so you were working with a naturopathic doctor.




Right. And you have background in medicine, right? So you are working front office and back office. Yeah, right at the, at a doctor's. So you have medical knowledge, you have medical background, you have understanding of the body, right?




Yeah. And so what kind of pushed you into scheduling a call and, and starting that, that conversation with us?


I guess it was at the point of not knowing what else to do before I started working with the naturopathic doctor. I was just going to just a regular MD and he didn't want to do anything. He's like, here, go to a psych evaluation, take these pills for anxiety. I was like, no, that's not what's wrong. So that's what made me go to a naturopathic doctor and he's great and all that, but again, he only has a limited time. It's just a normal 10 15 minute appointment and that's it. It's like, okay, that's all. I only get one little thing to say and then on my way, and even though he's great, it's still wasn't enough. It's like I still have something more going on and I, I can't afford to be going into his office every, every week with this new, this one new symptom.


Right. So I started looking into different groups and I'm like, I have to find answers. There has to be somebody out there who has dealt with this or is going through this that has some kind of little inch of wisdom that can like lead me down somewhere. And then I found your group and started reading people's stuff in there. And then I started seeing you go live in there and then me and you started talking and it was the call that me and you had that really is like, she gets it. Like she totally gets it. I got off the phone with my husband and I was like, oh my gosh, she totally gets it. She knows what the heck I'm going through. I think that was the turning point. It was like somebody actually knows what I'm feeling.




So that is what made me sign up <laugh>.


Yeah. Well, and I wanna just kind of stop here for a second too, because you didn't enroll on the call with me, right? You took time, you went and talked to your husband, you had that conversation with him and you made sure that that was gonna be the best thing for you and you were looking for something different than a doctor, right? You were looking for the coaching, the mentorship, the, the handholding. I, I don't even have the, the right language cuz it's not really handholding. Right? Right. It's more tools and tips and strategies to get you from point A to point B. So yeah, let's kind of switch gears here and talk about what kind of obstacles were you facing in the middle of the program because health is not a linear thing. <Laugh>, right? It comes like up and down and up and down. So within, we got you a protocol, right? We knew you were having breathing issues, we wanted you to go on a specific diet, a meal plan, a lifestyle mm-hmm. <Affirmative> that reduces that inflammation. So tell us about that, that nutrition plan that you were on and what, what happened there?


So the nutrition plan the first one, yes, I started that I was already on my own nutrition plan because when I started this I came in just being vegetarian mostly. And then I got on the plan and I was like, oh, okay. It's pretty e easy to implement because it was mostly the founda, the foundation was already laid with what I was doing on my own. But then having that step-by-step thing of knowing what to eat, breakfast, lunch and dinner, it solidified it. And then I was able to see what like trigger triggers were like messing me up <laugh> and yeah, that I didn't sh did I struggle, I, I guess I struggled when it came to wanting stuff that was not on the meal plan. <Laugh>.




So yeah, that was my biggest struggle. It was like, oh man, everybody else is eating this and I really want some. And I did have some sometimes, but then I would come back and I'd be like, that should not have happened because now I feel awful. <Laugh>.


Yes. Yeah.


I think


Well go ahead


Now. It's just amazing to see those things happen. You know, things that you're not supposed to be eating and then you feel gross when you do it.


Yeah. Because I mean, and that's partly because your body is in like a healing state and then we go back to, not that you were doing this but eating like a donut and you're like whoa, okay, that <laugh>, oh that really didn't feel so good. You know? I wanna talk about something really quickly. As long as you're cool with this. When you started the program you were using an inhaler a couple times a day, right? Because breathing was the biggest issue for you. So how many times a day prior to making any changes were you using that inhaler?


Oh my gosh. My regular, my regular inhaler albuterol, I was probably using it three to four times a day. And then I was also using another inhaler on top of that flovet. And then I went to another one, I forgot the name of it and I was using that twice a day as well. Okay. A lot.


Yes, yes. And after going on like the antihistamine diet and bringing down some of that inflammation, I feel like it was within a week. I think it was like the next week you came on and you're like,




You're not using


Yeah, I stopped drinking coffee and that That's right. Yeah. That was my biggest thing is the coffee. I stopped drinking the coffee, I was like, I can breathe. It took a while. Like it didn't happen like instantaneously like oh I didn't take the coffee and I'm good now. No, it was like a process and I think it was just my body ridding myself of all this stuff that coffee caused over 15 years and yeah, I was like, I can breathe. But then again it was still other foods that were also triggering more.


Yes. Well and <laugh>, speaking of foods in one of our like, I think it was a weekly win, we were like, Hey, you know, what is your weekly win or whatever and you're like, I've identified that green beans are giving me issues. And I was like, green beans,


I remember that because I don't know if it was part of the meal plan or something, but on our journaling I had, I had put in there the week prior I ate green beans and then the following, it was on a Monday. Cuz then on Tuesday when I woke up that first week I was like, oh, I don't know if I'm gonna make this call with Chris cuz I feel awful. And then it happened again the next week and I'm like, why am I feeling like this? Am I nervous about these calls with Chris? Oh no, I love Chris. Like what's happening? And then she's like, maybe you need to look at your food journals. I was like, you're right. And I had had green beans both nights and I'm like, oh my gosh. So it's




Crazy. I cut them out and I did not feel like that again.


Amazing. Yes. Amazing. And it's so interesting. I like, it's so random to me and probably cuz we eat a lot of green beans in this house, my husband and that's his like favorite vegetable, so we always have


Yeah, they're so good. Yeah. I dunno why my body does, does not like them.


So funny. Yeah. Okay, so let's kind of switch gears again and let's talk about where are you now? Like what does your life look like now and, and all of those fun things?


Life for me now is a lot better. I haven't used my inhaler in probably two and a half, three weeks. Not once.


Not once. Oh, that's amazing.


Yes, it's amazing. It's like life changing. I'm eating a lot more than I was able to before I started your plan without feeling gross and just nasty. I'm, I have hope again, I think that's my biggest thing is like I have hope that there is a future for me because for a while there I was like, this is my life. I'm do, I'm done forever <laugh>, I'm gonna feel like crap forever.




And that's not it anymore.


Yeah. Well I remember when you were on the call with me the first time, and I'm gonna get emotional here, but you told me you had quit your job. Yes. Because you were having a hard time breathing. You were having to wear a mask at work and I was like, oh my gosh. Like this lady <laugh>




Because that's a big thing.


Yeah, it was and it was, it was really hard cuz I loved that job. It was so amazing. The doctor was great. He, I, I always tell him like, you saved my life because he was the one that was really like, no, you need to go get tested for this. They need to do this. You need to make sure you go to a naturopath. You need to find answers and Okay, okay <laugh> and yeah, just having to leave him and he was a great support system for me, you know, and I was like it sucked, but I'm glad that I'm feeling better now that my body is healing and I'm on a journey to heal my body through, I guess foods and natural stuff rather than all these other things that the doctor wanted me to do.


Yeah, yeah. And versus suppressing some of those things. Right. A lot of medication they suppress the symptoms versus, and I say this all the time, are symptoms are our greatest asset to know what is happening inside the body. Yeah. Right. And we did do the urine test, we did the oats testing with you and we didn't see mold in your digestive tract, but that doesn't mean that it's not in, you know, your lungs or other areas of your body that are impacting. And so you're on a, a current protocol to kind of clean house a little bit, do a little bit of a detox. Where, how long have you been on that? Has that been three weeks or two weeks?


No, that's barely been since last Monday, so Okay. Yeah. Eight days


And we're already seeing some fun changes with that dude, <laugh>.


Oh yeah. Overall I do feel better. Like, like I said, I haven't used the inhaler and I've been more mentally alert, which was very interesting. I can, I'm like, whoa, I can think. Okay, this is great. And passing a parasite, I think <laugh> the one. Yep. So yeah, <laugh>


Parasites have been a hot topic in our group. <Laugh>. Yeah. A lot of people are going through some cleansed right now because we know that parasites are, they impact, you know, our lungs, they impact our breathing, they impact heart palpitations and the absorption of food and sugar. Cras


Things. <Laugh>.


Yeah. And I, I mean if you continue to pa you know, pass things we just continue to see the growth or not even the growth, but the, the healing of the body. Right. The body can self-heal, it can self-correct. Is there, hold on, there was something else. Oh, are you open to telling people what you're doing now?




Okay, go for it.


I started school to eventually be a certified traditional naturopath.


Yay. I'm so excited. I like, seriously, that lights me up because I think when you were telling me about this, this was a goal of yours from a long time ago.


Yes, it was. It's, oh my gosh, that's been my dream since I was a kid to be a doctor and I tried, I have everything to go right into med school, I have all my pre-reqs, everything needed, but it just wasn't for me. I kept looking, I'm like, I can't, I can't. And having that close working relationship with my old employer and I was running his office and really seeing, and I'm like, I don't think I want to work like this. Like, yeah, no, I cannot do this. 10, 15 minute office visits and just really seeing like, no, this isn't for me. I can't do this.




And then talking to you and seeing that there is other ways to help people and help myself and help my family, that's really what sparked them. Like, I can do this. This is something that I can do.


Yeah. Well I am beyond thrilled to be, and I don't even feel like I should take credit for this, but to be that person that inspires you to do what you wanted to do, to, to see a different way. And in health, in our life and diet and nutrition, in anything in our life, I think if we begin to learn and we can look outside the box of what the norm is, that's where we find progression. That's where we find, you know, healing for the body. That's where we find the things that we want in, in our life. And I think that that is just so, it's so amazing. So thank you for sharing. Is there any last thoughts or anything else that you would like to share with the listeners about your journey or about, you know, investing in themselves or anything like that?


Yes. If you're thinking about investing and you're scared, just do it. Like the money will come. I really have a deep, deep, deep how do you say it? Knowing I guess that it'll come if that's what you're supposed to do. Me and my husband weren't in a financial position to do it just because I had just quit my job. We lost half of our income and when we did sign up, we just felt like, okay, we needed to make this investment and we did it. And I kid you not within a month he got a job that paid for your whole course with your whole thing. So I was like, oh, okay. So I always have God in my mind is like, all right, if this is what I'm supposed to do, you're gonna take care of it. And yeah, he did.


Yeah. And your husband is self-employed, right? So he, he contracts or I know he does work for himself, but then he also does some contract work for other businesses, right?


Yeah. So he's a chaplain by day and then <laugh>, he does music on his own. So that's his self-employment.


Yeah. Okay.


Good job. That paid it all.


Yeah. Which is amazing. I mean it really is. I'm also a firm believer that more money can be made.


Oh yeah. It's just money. It comes and goes. And the health and all the knowledge that I got from you and Chris, it oh my gosh, it's life changing. I would recommend it for any everybody, because I wouldn't be here without you guys.


Oh, you're so sweet. Well, thank you so much. I really appreciate you being here and being open and vulnerable with us. And it's been amazing to watch your transformation in terms of, you know, where you were at the beginning and then where you're at now and continuing your progress because it's allowed you the opportunity to live out your life dream, whatever, whatever the dream is right for you. It was going back and becoming a doctor and I am




That is so exciting for me just because that's what I do. Not, I'm not a doctor, but that's also on my to-do list one day. And like you, you just pray for the timing and you pray for to know when it's right. And unfortunately I haven't felt that yet, <laugh>. But anyways, I loved this conversation, so thank you for being here. And if you guys have any questions, you can leave them below. We'll come back and answer them and give you all of the help and support that you need.


Before you go, I want to make an offer to you guys. Now, there's no pressure here, but if you are like me and you just wanna get to the root of the issue and you want help and you want guidance and you just wanna know what to do, and you are an action taker and you are highly ambitious, we have several spots that are open for the Hanson method. Our schedule fills up very quickly. So if you are interested in getting in, filling out an application and joining us, please take the time to visit the show notes and schedule your thyroid breakthrough call. We will be talking to you about what is holding you back, where do you wanna go, how do you wanna feel, and then give you our personal and professional recommendations on the next step for you so that you can get outta this thyroid chaos once and for all.


Wait before, before you you go, please subscribe. If you found value in today's episode, leave us a review and share on Instagram and please tag us. We love your please. Pretty please.