129// Anxiety, Sleep and Your Thyroid - Their connection and What you need to know


Register for our upcoming Masterclass. 3 Overlooked Secrets to help Heal Your Thyroid


March 13th 2023, @ 10:30pm MST


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We have several different opportunities to work with us at several different price points and opportunities. 


Our signature 6-month program is called The Hansen Method, we offer this in a VIP setting with personalized plans and protocols, individual one on one coaching and incredible bonuses that change regularly. You can schedule a complimentary thyroid breakthrough call with one of our thyroid advisors. Click here.  If you have questions about the Hansen Method and want to discuss your specific situation and make sure this is the right program for you you can schedule a complimentary thyroid breakthrough call with one of our team members. schedule here. Hurry, my schedule fills up quickly and we only work with limited amount of women at any given time.


 Join hundreds of women who have improved their symptoms by 80% and lose on average 30lbs in the 4 months.  


Not ready to schedule a call, no problem. Learn more about the Hansen Method to see if it’s a good fit for you. Click here to learn more. 


We also offer The Hansen Method as a Self Guided option. 


Option number 1 for self guide is where you are totally on your own to go through the program content, make the changes and execute them on your own. Click here to purchase. 


Option number 2 includes group coaching and access to our members facebook group that will allow you access to our Thyroid Success Coaches and testing with personalized protocols. Click here to purchase.   


But one of our favorite ways to work with us is our Thriving Thyroid Coaching Membership Opportunity.  This is where many of clients first begin working with us. It allows you to get to know us, our system and start making changes before making a larger financial investment. Click here to learn more











Shannon Hansen


P.S. Make sure to schedule our Thyroid Breakthrough call with one of our thyroid advisors. 



Welcome back to the Thriving Thyroid Podcast, where we choose to become empowered patients and take our health into our own hands. Hi, I'm Shannon Hansen, a Christian entrepreneur, a mom of three. And after dealing with my own health mysteries, I made it my mission to learn everything I could about the thyroid. I soon became certified as a holistic wellness practitioner, a functional nutrition practitioner, and a functional diagnostic practitioner. And so much more After that, I founded the Revolutionary Thyroid Program, the Hanon Method. As a health professional and a mom, I fully understand the importance of having a fun, simple, and sustainable plan for achieving a responsive thyroid. So I share actionable and practical strategies for developing a responsive thyroid so that the ambitious moms and women can gain freedom from fatigue and lose the thyroid weight once and for all. Each week I will be here for you, along with my guest experts. We will be sharing simple and tangible tips that work for not only your thyroid, your hormones, your family, and your mindset, so that you can get back to living the life that you envision for yourself. Welcome to the Thriving Thyroid Podcast.


Hello, you guys. Happy Friday. Ok, I'm so excited for this. This is such a good question asked by Dana. Diana, hold on. I don't remember who asked this question. I'm gonna tag them when I figure it out or remember. She asked, I have always had issues with anxiety. Can hypothyroid on cos So we're gonna go to like really sciencey, nerdy geek camp. Okay, I'm hoping this, hopefully you guys can kind of see this and I apologize. I am working in my pajamas today with no makeup on. And so you guys just get the real rock. Shannon lemme move this chair. All right, so ignore the pink stuff. It's notes to myself. Let's see if we can bring this. That's better. Look at that. Okay, so here we go. Thyroid and anxiety depression. This is very commonly associated with a chucker. The reason for this, and this is again, super geeky and nerdy, and this is all the stuff that, like I've spent years learning. So don't feel bad if you don't know this. And if you have questions, please, please, please let me know. Hold on, let me see. Well, I gimme two seconds. You guys whoop, if you're on live, say hello. And I am going to see if I can quickly tag.


Here we go. Okay, so if you guys have questions while I'm going through this, please ask me. I realize that some of this stuff for me is easy. I've been doing this for a long time. But for a lot of you guys, this is gonna be completely new. So when all of my clients come work with me, we do more than, well, I don't do any blood testing. That is something that you can do with your doctor. I wanna see how your body is utilizing the minerals and the nutrients in your body because minerals are like the body's spark plugs. They get your body up and running and going as is. So what we need to, what you guys need to know and understand is that anxiety is a downstream problem. Like it's a result from something else being out of balance and we have to fix what's really causing it.


You don't have anxiety because you have a anxiety depression, medicine deficiency. Like there's some kind of other deficiency that you guys are experiencing. So first and foremost, when I do H T M A testing, when I do hair testing on clients, we look at the relationship or the, the ratio between calcium to potassium. How is your body utilizing those nutrients and those minerals? Potassium is your body's cellular sensitivity. This is what is opening the gate of your cells to allow thyroid hormones to even come in and pushing out the bad. If you don't have enough potassium, your body is going to be super outta balance. And that potassium is essentially like the gatekeepers for our for all of ourselves. So it allows hormones to come in and pushes 'em out. Okay? So we have to look at that. This is why going on thyroid medication isn't always the answer because if your body doesn't have enough potassium, the cellular sensitivity isn't gonna be there and it's not gonna uptake any thyroid hormones as it is.


You're gonna be doing blood work and it's gonna show your fine or that you need a higher dose or a lower dose or whatever. But if the potassium isn't there, it's not getting into the cells. This is what leaves us with fatigue, weight gain brain fog, hair loss, all of the classic thyroid symptoms, cold hands, cold feet, puffiness, inflammation, joint pain, muscle pain, constipation, blah, blah, blah, right? The list goes on. So then if we look over here at stomach acid, stomach acid needs zinc and potassium, stomach acid absorbs the vitamins, iron and proteins are kind of the, the major players here. So if we don't have enough stomach acid, then what happens while we're not breaking down our food, we're not absorbing it and we don't have energy. So we eat and we're tired, we are anemic and we're tired. <Laugh>, we don't have B-vitamins and we're tired.


Okay? So this helps to break down. Like I said, the proteins specifically when we're looking at anxiety specifically anxiety, depression, tryptophan. So tryptophan is found in your Turkey, your chicken, your meat, your red meat, your lamb, whatever. Okay? All most proteins, it's an essential protein. So it comes in like all forms of animal protein. So tryptophan needs b6. If you have a genetic marker like M t h, ffr, which if you have thyroid, U 99% have that, that genetic marker. So here's a double whammy. You don't have the B vitamins because of the stomach acid. You don't have <laugh> this stomach acid because of the, the minerals because of the thyroid. And so there's this whole host of things happening way up here that is not being recognized and utilized by modern medicine. Okay? So tryptophan needs a co-factor of B6 to break down properly in addition to stomach acid.


So co the B6 and the triptan then convert when everything works properly, then convert into serotonin. Serotonin is that happy, feel good, yay. Energy inside of us. And that serotonin then turns into melatonin. So what we see, what I see when I am working with my clients is thyroid issues, low stomach acid issues, anxiety, depression happening, well actually let me back up. Low energy <laugh> typically happening first, and then we have some anxiety, depression. Even if you don't recognize that you're having it, it's probably coming in. And then you're also probably having sleep issues. So then we get stuck in the cycle of low energy, no energy. So we're eating sweets and carbohydrates to compensate for the low energy and we have puffiness and weight gain and inflammation and like willpower and all of the things can only take us so far in this journey. And it's about finding what the right balance is for your body, okay?


The answer isn't necessarily go supplement with zinc and potassium and calcium and B6 and, and tryptophan and all of these things. No, the answer is a little bit more complicated than that. And what I mean by that, and I have like a test result here where you guys can see, hold on, let me get the name out of it. I don't think you guys would be able to read it, but you know, just in case right here on this person, this is calcium and this is magnesium. And let's see, their potassium is right here. Okay? So you can see potassium is low. The, you should be like right here for all of your minerals. Those are like optimal levels. Well, their calcium is super high. What this is telling us about this person is not that they have too much calcium, it's me.


It means that their body has, is not absorbing the calcium and it's pulling the calcium from their teeth. It's pulling it from their bones, their organs and essentially their body is like breaking down from the inside out. So if you feel like you're burning the candle at both ends, if you feel like no matter what I do, the healthy efforts that I'm making, all of these things, all of that is contributing to this dysfunction. This is only one piece of the puzzle. And we have to look at what's happening in the body as a whole because your body is an ecosystem, okay? There's other things when we look into symptom mapping, when we look into, so what I mean by symptom mapping is when we look at like shoulder pain or knee pain or back pain or neck pain or headaches or all of these other symptoms, there could be reasons why these things are happening for you.


In addition to this, right? Your body is trying to tell you <laugh> what is happening and what you need to pay attention to. And let me just give you guys hi Amy. Let me give you like some action steps. So first and foremost, I'm gonna drop the link here in just a minute. I have a whole masterclass where we're going over all of this stuff on Monday. I would love for you to come, even if you can't attend live, please, please register. I will get you the replay with the workbook that has all of this information in it that you need. Okay? So you have to register to get the replay and get the workbook and everything. So that's number one. If you wanna dive in depth, come on Monday and get, or, and or get the replay, I would love for you to attend my, cause I find that when I have conversations, the class flow so much better and you guys get more out of of it.


Okay? So that's number one. Number two, when we, what would I do for someone who came in this way? First and foremost, I always, always, always, always, always run the right testing. We have to do H T M A testing. We have to figure out how these minerals are playing with each other, okay? All of that comes in on this little chart. It's two pages, you guys, this is, this is an an entire report on what somebody gets, okay? Like you guys can see this, like this is so much more information than your blood work, okay? So if you wanna find answers, like this is <laugh>, this is the thing in addition to that, we have to be looking at what is the plan and the path for this person. Because going in and changing your habits overnight is not going to work. So the testing alone is not the answer.


I know <laugh> we have to look at the person as a whole. And so what I would do for this person if they were not working with me, if they didn't have, if you couldn't afford to work with me or have like a whole comprehensive plan protocol built out for you, what I would recommend is digestive enzymes and probiotics. Okay? The reason for this, and if you want to send me a private message, we can talk more about like some general recommendations for that to get started. Okay? The reason for this, as remember at the beginning, we kind of get stuck in the cycle of like this ratio, the thyroid ratio, calcium to potassium is outta balance. And then we have low stomach acid. So we're not breaking down our food, we're not absorbing our food or the nutrients from the food. And so then we end up with low energy and then it's this whole cycle, right? So what we want to do is we want to increase stomach acid so that all of these other things down here start to fall into place. One of the best ways that we can do that very quickly, digestive enzymes. Okay?


Then you guys, we didn't even get into like the intestines and the liver and all the things and how all of that plays together. So stomach acid, you can also search the Facebook group. I have tons of information if you just search the Facebook group and stomach acid comes up and we talk about all the things, okay? In addition to that, probiotics. So what also happens is nutrients, food begins to be absorbed into cells of the body through the intestines. Thyroid hormone is also absorbed through the intestines. And so this can only happen in the presence of good, healthy bacteria. Now, you can also search in this Facebook group, I've made some posts about finding the right strands of probiotics. We need to understand that just taking a probiotic off the shelf and taking it and hoping for these magic things may not happen.


There are certain strands of probiotics that help and aid the body in specific things. There are things for like yeast. There are certain things for seasonal allergies or certain things for eczema or ro rosacea. There's also things for bloating or constipation or maybe you're having the opposite. And more diarrhea things are going through you too quickly. There are specific probiotics that help with that kind of thing. And so if you need some recommendations, again, comment below search to Facebook group. I am more than happy to share that information with you guys to help you get started. And we can get you some discounts on all of it and all the things. So let me know if this makes sense. Let me know if you have questions. I will see you guys on the next.


Before you go, I want to give you a special invite to an upcoming, an upcoming masterclass on three overlooked hormonal shifts that are helping you to heal your thyroid function. This class is incredible, you guys. We are diving in depth on so many different things. First and foremost, we're gonna be talking about healthy food that is blocking thyroid function. We're gonna learn how to combine foods to help maximize your nutritional intake. I'm also going to be teaching you about metabolic typing and how to eat according to your metabolic type so that you don't have to quote unquote diet again. Your body will easily be able to get the nutrient needs, reduce inflammation and slough off the excess weight. We're gonna talk about how the current medical model is failing you and keeping you stuck when it comes to your thyroid. We're gonna be talking about thyroid blockers and how they're coming into your life and keeping your medication from not working optimally, keeping you tired, fatigued, puffy, inflamed with brain fog.


We're gonna also dive into medication and supplements that is blocking thyroid function and one of my most favorite topics, how your body is speaking to you and what you need to know in order to know how to listen to it. Last but not least, we're gonna teach you and walk you through the steps to help you understand symptom mapping and how you can take your health into your own hands. Head over to the show notes, register for our upcoming class and get all of the details on the dates and times. I will see you on the next


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