136//Do you feel disconnected? Isolated? ... like a shell of a person?

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March 13th 2023, @ 10:30pm MST


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Our signature 6-month program is called The Hansen Method, we offer this in a VIP setting with personalized plans and protocols, individual one on one coaching and incredible bonuses that change regularly. You can schedule a complimentary thyroid breakthrough call with one of our thyroid advisors. Click here.  If you have questions about the Hansen Method and want to discuss your specific situation and make sure this is the right program for you you can schedule a complimentary thyroid breakthrough call with one of our team members. schedule here. Hurry, my schedule fills up quickly and we only work with limited amount of women at any given time.


 Join hundreds of women who have improved their symptoms by 80% and lose on average 30lbs in the 4 months.  


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Shannon Hansen


P.S. Make sure to schedule our Thyroid Breakthrough call with one of our thyroid advisors. 



Welcome back to the Thriving Thyroid Podcast, where we choose to become empowered patients and take our health into our own hands. Hi, I'm Shannon Hansen, a Christian entrepreneur, a mom of three. And after dealing with my own health mysteries, I made it my mission to learn everything I could about the thyroid. I soon became certified as a holistic wellness practitioner, a functional nutrition practitioner, and a functional diagnostic practitioner. And so much more After that, I founded the Revolutionary Thyroid Program, the Hanon Method. As a health professional and a mom, I fully understand the importance of having a fun, simple, and sustainable plan for achieving a responsive thyroid. So I share actionable and practical strategies for developing a responsive thyroid so that the ambitious moms and women can gain freedom from fatigue and lose the thyroid weight once and for all. Each week, I will be here for you, along with my guest experts. We will be sharing simple and tangible tips that work for not only your thyroid, your hormones, your family, and your mindset, so that you can get back to living the life that you envision for yourself. Welcome to the Thriving Thyroid Podcast.


Hey, you guys, welcome back to the Thriving Thyroid Podcast. Ah, okay, so I went down a bit of a rabbit hole the other day, and this was sparked by one of the questions that my client, one of my clients had about calcium shells and minerals and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And so I was like, Hmm, this is interesting. Well, I found this article that was just, it was so enlightening to me about my own life, <laugh>, and the feelings and my experiences that are happening right now. And I like, in all honesty, some of this I have known, but because of where I'm at right now, it just hit me in a different way. So this article, what it's called, calcium and Magnesium Shell Patterns by Dr. Lawrence Wilson. Obviously, I'm not gonna read all of his information or whatever, but I want to give a little bit of context and help you guys understand a little bit about what this means when it comes to your body, comes to your thyroid, comes to your emotions, whatever.


So when I meet people, I do my darnedest not to like diagnose them or anything, and a lot of times I don't until they may ask me a question and then my brain goes, it starts calculating all of this information. And I can, and, and again, I don't diagnose anybody, I don't treat anybody. I just give information on maybe some healthy things or some habits that you should do. So, for example, I had a call today with a lady who was interested in working with me on, in, in my program, wanted to collect some information, and we just had a conversation and I, and at the end I was like, I just feel like I need to give you some action tasks. I don't do that with everybody, but I was like, I just feel very strongly that I need to tell you to do this thing.


And she was like, okay, you know, great, thank you. Whatever. And, you know, we closed the call shortly thereafter. Anyways, I, yeah, okay, <laugh>, I, so let's just kind of go into this. And before we go into calcium, magnesium shells, what I wanna share with you guys and why I feel like doing the functional testing is so vitally important over blood serum. Now, we've had different calls, we've had different podcast episodes where we've talked about some H T M H and a few things like that. But today, <laugh>, today we're talking about calcium and magnesium, because this is some of the most common things that I see happen with women with thyroid. And I don't wanna say it's an easy fix because it's not per se it will take time, but it's fixable, it's figure outable, right? Everything is figure outable and, okay, so blood labs, it only tells you what's happening in your body at that time.


So blood chemistry is super important and like a whole other beast. But what I have found is doing the H T M A testing is the most affordable with the most amount of information and results per the person. And so it makes sense in my brain to do something like that over all of these other fancy tests because let me just be honest with you, you're gonna find something wrong with every functional test that you ever do. I, like, I, I got caught up for a long time in like this test and that test and this, and da, da, da, da, and we're gonna throw all the things at you and whatever, like, there's always gonna be something to work on <laugh>. And so anyways, with the htma, what I have found is we're able to preserve a lot of information in that. And the cool thing about the H C M A is that it's an accumulation test over the last like three months.


So it's not just what is happening right now for you, it is what is happening over the last several months. And so we're getting a good idea of what your body is actually doing, not just that day and time. So when we look towards thyroid and not like a diagnostic tool, we can just see based off the minerals, what if they're underperforming and leaving a tendency towards thyroid dysfunction. Those two minerals are calcium and potassium. And what I see is calcium is so high, it creates this, they call it a calcium shell, and that calcium becomes non-absorbable or in a form that the body can't utilize. So we start pulling minerals and nutrients from the bones, the tissues other areas of the body or, and or creates calcium deposits, all of these wonderful things that we don't want to happen. And that leads us to thyroid issues, other issues like anxiety.


We'll get into all of that. So the first thing that I want to tell you is when we think of the word shell, we, this is used in correlation to like that physiological aspect of like with drawing or running interference, or we just, I, I don't know how many of you guys have ever said like, I feel like a shell of a person, or I just don't feel like myself, or I feel empty inside. There may be a bigger reason why you feel that way. And oftentimes it has to do with calcium. Your calcium creates that shell and that lowers your awareness. It's gonna cause numbing or calcification. It's gonna be, it's gonna cause some trauma. You might feel depressed and living in that bomb shelter or behind a wall, like you might just feel like I am not connecting with anybody.


And I have experiences recently I've been telling my husband, I'm like, I just don't feel connected. Like I, I'm in the same room. I'm trying to be a part of the conversation and I just don't feel connected. And you guys, <laugh>, when I look at my levels right now with this calcium, I have what is called a triple calcium shell. So my calcium shell, since giving birth is super, super high. Anyways, we don't have to go into all of that, but I'm like, this makes so much sense. So calcium and magnesium shells, they pretty much never appear in children. Never, never in babies. And they are also fairly rare in elderly people. So meaning ages like above 70 or so. However, they are common in later teen year, teenage years, and they occur in adults. And they are much more common in women than in men.


And yeah, so one of the other things that I found really interested, interesting in, in reading this, is how many kids today are experiencing depression, anxiety, things like that. And how many women are also experiencing this when our calcium is high and we create this calcium shell, this is a trauma indicator. So the higher the calcium, the higher <laugh> the trauma has been, and the more important it is for releasing trauma in whatever way, right? And, and trauma, meaning it can be emotional, but it could also be physical, right? Like I went through a, I don't wanna say traumatizing pregnancy, but I went through a tough pregnancy, okay, this last time. All of my pregnancies are not typically fun <laugh>. And this one was particularly difficult and challenging because I was vomiting and very sick for about six months of this pregnancy. And then I got a virus and I was in bed for a month, and then I ha you know, like it was just one thing after another.


And because of other pregnancies, I was holding onto some, I think probably trauma responses. Like I, I was holding onto some of the negative things because, because of other experiences that weren't super great. Okay? so the interesting thing, and people are like, so here, here's what came up with this client. She said, I want to break down this calcium shell that I have. She suspected she had a calcium shell, and she, so late last year, I think October, November, she had like her second mom got really sick, was had cancer, and essentially passed away. And this client of mine was helping, her mom was helping other people. Her, her friend, you know, her, her the second mom's kids through this period, this difficult and challenging period of time. And so she was like, I just put up this wall. Her words, okay, I put up this wall to help protect myself from experiencing the negative things, but I, because I was trying to help everybody else.


And I was like, wow, that's so interesting. So she was talking to me about how she could break down this calcium wall or calcium shell, and that's what I wanna share with you guys today. So in my thyroid rescue guide that I recently published and put out, I talk about three things that are going to help you recover thyroid function. Number one is gonna be food. Food is vastly important when it comes to thyroid at helping to balance your pH levels, keeping the body in a, a state of low inflammatory, right? A low inflammatory response, as well as nourishing the body on that cellular level. If your diet is keyed in, we have to look at what other minerals are playing a role in all of this. Okay? the second action that we have to look at is, or the second action that I recommend is cast oil packing.


Now, for some of my clients, I'll be honest, cast oil packing, and this is very rare, okay? I've worked with several hundreds of women and this has only happened like twice, okay, <laugh>, but they have negative side effects from cast oil packs. And so we have to go to a different alternative thing. So cast oil packing essentially is where you use cast oil, you get a cloth. I love the Queen of Thrones kit. She like, she has a, a pad essentially that can tie around your waist. And then they have the Castro oil. So all you do is you put a little castro oil on the pa, on the pa, the pad, the paper, the <laugh>, the cloth, whatever that thing is called. You tie it around your liver, you sit with like a heating pad on it. You might sleep with it in or however you wanna do that, but three times a week, 30 minutes is great.


You can do it every day, you can sleep in it. It's super safe and effective in most cases. With that being said, that is one of the other things that I recommend because it helps to detoxify the liver, it helps get rid of extra hormones. A lot of my clients report better sleep, more energy, the need for less caffeine, things like that. Like they just start feeling better almost immediately. Shoulder pain starts going away, blah, blah, blah. Okay? The third thing, and this has to do with your minerals, is something called an adrenal cocktail. I'm gonna sh put this in the show notes. And I will also be sharing this information on Instagram. It's probably already up by the time you guys are listening, meaning to this. But essentially it is vitamin C, sodium, which is gonna be like your sea salt and potassium, which is cream of tartar.


So what I choose to do is I have a 40 ounce Stanley cup, I fill that up, I squeeze in half a lemon, sometimes a whole lemon just depending on how I feel. And then about a fourth of a teaspoon of sea salt and a fourth of a teaspoon of cream of tartar. And so that's providing me with the vitamin C that I need to absorb it. It's also giving me the sodium and potassium that my body needs. Now, the cool thing that happens when we drink this is sodium and potassium are the body's solvent minerals. They help keep calcium and magnesium in the solution of blood. Meaning that if these levels, well actually lemme say this first, meaning that your body is able to utilize the calcium and magnesium that you are getting from your food and or supplements. So one of my clients, she, okay, her magnesium levels, every time she went in to get tested, her magnesium levels were low.


So her naturopathic doctor is like, increase your increase, increase, increase. You know, well just keep taking more, keep taking more. Cause she was taking over 900 milligrams of magnesium per day and not feeling any better after months. And so I finally was, well, she started working in with me afterwards, I was like, yeah, that's a lot of magnesium. Like a therapeutic dosage is 500 and you're taking almost double that. And so they're telling you to just increase. Yeah, I, I'm not happy with this. So anyways, those sodium and potassium help keep it into the bloodstream. So if the levels of these minerals become too low in the tissue, not in the blood, then calcium, magnesium will begin, toci precipitate out of the blood and form hard deposits all over the body. And this can be reflective in the H T M A testing. And it's also very common today because sodium and potassium decrease in the tissues when the adrenal glands are nutritionally deficient.


So they're depleted inside the body, and that's going to wreak havoc on your adrenal hormones. And specifically your aldosterone levels for your thyroid are going to be depleted as well. So you're gonna just not feel super great. You're gonna feel like a shell of a person. You're gonna be depleted nutritionally, you're gonna feel not like yourself in terms of all of the things. And so those adrenal cocktails help with that glandular activity that's happening inside the thyroid, are inside the adrenals and helping you to restore that function and feel energized. Now, I've been doing adrenal cocktails for a little bit of time, and what I've noticed is just an increase in energy overall and stamina throughout the day. Like, I don't need or want or desire the caffeine that I used to as I've been doing this. And I know that it is helping to resolve some of that calcium and magnesium shells, helping to make other nutritional things, minerals inside my body more bioavailable, which is playing into the overall health and wellness to the body as a whole. So hopefully this was super impactful for you guys. And you guys got something good out of this. I will link up the thyroid rescue guide in, in the show notes for you guys to check out. And yeah, then you guys can start implementing some of those other things. I'll see you guys on the next.


Before you go, I want to give you a special invite to an upcoming, an upcoming masterclass on three overlooked hormonal shifts that are helping you to heal your thyroid function. This class is incredible, you guys. We are diving in depth on so many different things. First and foremost, we're gonna be talking about healthy food that is blocking thyroid function. We're gonna learn how to combine foods to help maximize your nutritional intake. I'm also going to be teaching you about metabolic typing and how to eat according to your metabolic type so that you don't have to quote unquote diet again. Your body will easily be able to get the nutrient needs, reduce inflammation and slough off the excess weight. We're gonna talk about how the current medical model is failing you and keeping you stuck when it comes to your thyroid. We're gonna be talking about thyroid blockers and how they're coming into your life and keeping your medication from not working optimally, keeping you tired, fatigued, puffy, inflamed with brain fog.


We're gonna also dive into medication and supplements that is blocking thyroid function and one of my most favorite topics, how your body is speaking to you and what you need to know in order to know how to listen to it. Last but not least, we're gonna teach you and walk you through the steps to help you understand symptom mapping and how you can take your health into your own hands. Head over to the show notes, register for our upcoming class and get all of the details on the dates and times. I will see you on the next wait,


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