137// Removing Emotional Barrier That are Keeping You Stuck


Healings Question Guide by Wendi Jensen 






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Shannon Hansen


P.S. Make sure to schedule our Thyroid Breakthrough call with one of our thyroid advisors. 



Welcome back to the Thriving Thyroid Podcast, where we choose to become empowered patients and take our health into our own hands. Hi, I'm Shannon Hansen, a Christian entrepreneur, a mom of three. And after dealing with my own health mysteries, I made it my mission to learn everything I could about the thyroid. I soon became certified as a holistic wellness practitioner, a functional nutrition practitioner, and a functional diagnostic practitioner. And so much more. After that, I founded the Revolutionary Thyroid Program, the Hanson Method. As a health professional and a mom, I fully understand the importance of having a fun, simple, and sustainable plan for achieving a responsive thyroid. So I share actionable and practical strategies for developing a responsive thyroid so that the ambitious moms and women can gain freedom from fatigue and lose the thyroid weight once and for all. Each week I will be here for you, along with my guest experts, we will be sharing simple and tangible tips that work for not only your thyroid, your hormones, your family, and your mindset, so that you can get back to living the life that you envision for yourself. Welcome to the Thriving Thyroid Podcast cast.


Welcome back to the th Thyroid podcast. As promised, I told you we were gonna be talking more about the emotional components to your thyroid and how it's all interconnected and why we need to pay attention to not only are thyroid, but also to the feelings and the emotions that we are experiencing. In today's episode, I'm gonna be talking about specifically a book by Wendy Jensen. It is called The Healings Question Guide. Revelent Question. Yeah, revelent <laugh>. Am I saying that right? Revelent questions to ask the mind to activate healing inside the body. So before I share with you guys a little bit about what the thyroid says, I wanna share with you how I was introduced to this book and why I share some of this information with the clients that I work with inside the Hanson method and how it has helped them on their journey to restore thyroid function. So I think most of us know what reflexology is, right? Excuse me guys, I am coughing today. I don't know why my throat is like itchy and scratchy, so I apologize.


But so reflexology is basically, they use the foot as a map to the body, and then they work on specific areas to help with specific parts and organs and, and things inside the body. Well, there's another thing that is a little less commonly known or talked about, and that's called re not reflexology. Foot zoning. And foot zoning is very, very similar to reflexology. However, it brings in the component, like the emotional component of, of that thing. And there's nobody in my area, and this was several years ago, like probably five, six years ago. I traveled to a different state and I don't, like I said, I don't have anybody local in my area, but I have traveled, I had left my kids at home and I went and did this thing and it was like a really great experience for me. And while I was there, I chose to do things that were very difficult for me to do.


So like I went and floated for the first time in like the absent salt pod things floated in pods which was, that was amazing. If you've never done that, please do that. It was incredible. <Laugh>, the second thing is I did foot zoning and I'm in there, I'm getting my feet zoned. She's working on me. It's like going really well and okay, so super embarrassing. I had an ingrown toenail and I was like, should I cancel? It's kind of gross, like whatever. And I just had the feeling, no, just keep going. And so we're sitting there talking, I don't know this person. And she's like, oh, I see you have an ingrown toenail. And I'm like, yeah, I'm so sorry. Like, I was thinking about canceling, like it wasn't bad, but it was just kind of like puffy and inflamed and and tender, right?


And she was like, so we're talking about other things. And she's like, wow, you're really tied up in this spot and you're really tied up in this spot. And I was like, you know, and she's talking about these emotional components and I'm like, yeah, I really have been tied up in that area. Well, that's cool. That's crazy, you know? And she worked on me. So my session for was like, for an hour. She worked on me for like 90 minutes, you guys, and she's like, I just feel like I really need to do this for you. And I was, so anyways, I obviously paid her. I tipped her really well bec for her time, and I was just so appreciative. But anyways, we're sitting there, she's working on me, and she stops and she's like, I just have this feeling that I need to go get this book.


And I was like, okay. So she hands me this book and I'm like, what do I do at this book? <Laugh>? Like, I'm kind of flipping through it, like, I don't know. So then she starts giving me a little more context as to how the body stores emotions, energy, negative feelings and will manifest itself through the physical body. And I wasn't completely new to this, but I was new enough that I still had no idea what that meant. In previous episodes we talked about a few books like the Body Keeps the Score feelings Buried Alive, never Die. I think there was one other one that I recommended <laugh>, I don't remember. Anyways, so I was like, okay. So she's like, well, why don't you just look up, you know, what an ingrown toenail is? And so I looked up, okay, you know, so I'm like, try, I don't see ingrown toenail.


And she's like, well look up toe. And so I went to toe and I searched up ingrown toenail and whatever, and it provided me with I think like five or six different questions. I don't know. Anyways, I laugh about this, but at the time, I mean, I laugh about it now cuz I can, but at the time I was, it would had been like a year, maybe a year and a half since my dad had passed away. And I was maybe even two years, actually, I think it was closer to two years. Anyways, I was playing a lot of what had happened with my dad and I was trying to like make sense of the thing some of the things that happened around his death and just all of these things and in, in his life and my life and how we came together and just all of all of those wonderful emotional components, right?


And I don't remember exactly what the question said, and I, I could go look it up, but it's not relevant <laugh> to the story. But as I was looking it up, I just immediately was like, how does my toe know that I am having daddy issues at this moment? Ah, <laugh>, I was blown away, you guys, and obviously I don't think it said daddy, I think it was like connection or relationship or something along those lines. But I was like, this is the weirdest thing ever. It's, it, it blew my mind. It still blows my mind when I think about the interconnections of the spiritual body and the physical body and how they work together and how our spiritual body tries to communicate with our physical body by doing weird things, <laugh>, right? And so I don't think that these things that we experience are by accident.


It's not by accident. It is something much bigger than we are. So I want to share with you guys just some of the questions when it comes to thyroid. Now, there are nine of them. I'm not gonna do all nine of them because I don't know what the rules are. <Laugh> when it comes to like sharing someone else's information. I will link up in the show notes for you guys like the, the link to purchase it. It is a little bit more pricey to purchase this book. However, I, this book is very well loved. I use this book all the time. If I don't have an answer or if one of my clients is like, I know we're doing all of the right things with food and nutrition and supplementation and lifestyle, I will bring out this book and say, okay, here we go.


We gotta get to work in, in this area. And you gotta start putting forth the emotional work because there's something there. Okay? So when it comes to the thyroid, it says what I meant, what am I afraid to declare to the world in fear of being destroyed, humiliated, or rejected? That one was super powerful. Number two, what criminal secret is in my DNA that is ready to be released? Now, this one has been interesting to me because everybody's initial answer is like, I don't know, like I haven't done a crime or whatever. But as I've had them ponder on it, and as I've pondered on my own experiences and things that I have witnessed seen been a part of whatever there has been, or, well, let me, let me see it this way. Some of my clients grew up in homes with alcoholic parents, with physical abuse that happened with other kinds of abuse or trauma that wasn't necessarily reported or done anything on, right?


So you may be some kind of victim of some other criminal, whatever, or it can even go back to further generations. When I first read this, one of the things that was brought to my mind is, I have great grandparents, great great grandparents that were alcoholics. They were like town drunks and whatever. And so when I originally thought about it, I was like, well, what, what did they do that needs to be led out? <Laugh>, right? So that one is a super interesting question. This one is also an interesting question. What value have I placed on being misunderstood or that I am not, or that I am an exception? This one, I I also think is an interesting question as well, because sometimes we put value on not being accepted, right? I just don't fit in. And I resonate with this in high school. I grew up in a church where


Families were everything, right? You married your partner, families lived together happily ever after forever. And all eternity, you know, like the family unit was so central to everything that we had learned about. And I grew up in a home where my parents were divorced. I grew up with a single mom and majority of the time, and I had a lot of, I don't know, baggage. Like my brother completing suicide, my sister getting pregnant as a teen, all of these things. And so I felt like a long time I didn't fit in. And I held that as almost like a badge of honor that I was like, well, I'm just not like everybody else. I'm just not like everybody else and nobody else understands where I'm coming from and whatever. Instead of


Flipping it around like, and having that be a positive thing in my life, I allowed not that to, to be a negative thing. Okay? So, and a and a lot of my clients do similar things where they're like, I feel misunderstood or that like, I'm the exception to all of the rules and whatever. Okay? So the last one that I wanna share with you is what do I need to let go of? A lot of us, I and I, I'm speaking in general terms, have experienced negative things in our life that we hold onto. And it's like we don't want to let them go for whatever reason. And let me give you an example. So you guys, I hate sharing some of these personal things, but I also think that they're super valuable because it allows you guys to learn through my experiences, I hope <laugh> or to be able to put yourself into some of these situations.


So first and foremost my, my brother completed suicide, which I mentioned in this episode when he was 15 years old and he lived with my dad. My parents were already divorced. He lived with my dad. My brother we knew was struggling with anxiety, depression he was doing a lot of like self-medication through drugs and, and whatever. And my dad was court ordered to have my brother on antidepressant medication. Well, I, I don't know if he wasn't taking them. I don't know if my dad didn't provide them for him. I don't, I I don't know the full story. All I know is the end result and there's speculation from a lot of different family members on, you know, what was going on and this, that and the other thing. And I had a lot of negative feelings towards my dad for a very long time. And I essentially blamed my dad for the death of my brother. And a few years ago


I was reading you guys books have been like my saving grace and have allowed me to do the emotional work to heal, right? Anyways, so I talk about books all the time. <Laugh> this one I was reading Dodging Energy Vampires, and I don't remember exactly what it was talking about, but it was talking about, I think it was this book, I could be wrong. But essentially it was talking about how we have to make new meanings for things. And in that book specifically how narcissistic people and people with personality disorders, the likelihood of them changing will never happen. And pairing all of these different things in my life, I just, it hit me so hard when I was reading that book that what happened with my brother had to happen so that my dad and other people could change. And so


I used that as a way in my life to look for the positive in my brother's passing. Now it's obviously still very hurtful and it's not fun. The anniversary sur his death or his birthday or whatever will drudge up new feelings or emotions. And, and as I go through different stages of my own life and I look at my kids and things like, there's new feelings that come from, from these situations. And anyways, long story short, I've had to make a new meaning behind something that is so terrible and so horrible and so horrific and something I would not wish on anybody. But giving it a new meeting and allowing myself to release that anger, that resentment, that that pain


Has allowed me to heal in many different areas of my life. And I no longer have to hold onto that negativity. I can bless it and release it and move forward with my life, which I think is so important for all of us because in, in this situation specifically, there's just things that I don't know, right? Speculation. I could blame people, I could whatever. But ultimately at the end of the day, I'm the one that is still struggling. I'm the one who still has those negative feelings and those negative emotions that aren't allowing me to, to heal. And so anyways, I just wanted to share that with you. What I recommend is taking some of these questions, purchasing the book if you would like, and start journaling. Start pondering, start thinking, start moving energy around to see what comes up to allow yourself a little bit more healing in all of this.


And one of the last things that I love about this book is she gives you like a positive affirmation after each area. And so I'm gonna just read that to you. For the thyroid specifically, it says, I can create anything I put my mind to. I am free from the past. I allow, I am allowed to experience the good in life. I will declare to the world the message I have come to share regardless of the outcome. And I just want to leave you guys with that today. I hope that you guys are finding these very valuable and you will be able to apply them to your life and move forward. So as always, head over to Instagram, tell me what you think. I would love to hear if you guys enjoy some of these emotional connections with the thyroid and maybe some aha moments that you guys have had on today's epi. Excuse me, today's episode. I'll see you guys on the next


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