140// What Thyroid Medication Is Right For You Synthetic or Natural






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Shannon Hansen

P.S. Make sure to schedule our Thyroid Breakthrough call with one of our thyroid advisors. 




Welcome back to the Thriving Thyroid Podcast, where we choose to become empowered patients and take our health into our own hands. Hi, I'm Shannon Hansen, a Christian entrepreneur, a mom of three. And after dealing with my own health mysteries, I made it my mission to learn everything I could about the thyroid. I soon became certified as a holistic wellness practitioner, a functional nutrition practitioner, and a functional diagnostic practitioner. And so much more After that, I founded the Revolutionary Thyroid Program, the Hanon Method. As a health professional and a mom, I fully understand the importance of having a fun, simple, and sustainable plan for achieving a responsive thyroid. So I share actionable and practical strategies for developing a responsive thyroid so that the ambitious moms and women can gain freedom from fatigue and lose the thyroid weight once and for all. Each week I will be here for you, along with my guest experts.


We will be sharing simple and tangible tips that work for not only your thyroid, your hormones, your family, and your mindset, so that you can get back to living the life that you envision for yourself. Welcome to the Thriving Thyroid Podcast cast. Welcome back to the Thriving Thyroid Podcast, my friends. We're gonna be talking about thyroid medication and doing some comparing and contrast the contrasting when it comes to medication because one of the questions that I get asked all the time is, am I taking the right medication? Should I be taking medication? If, if not, what should I be taking and what should I be doing? First and foremost, you guys, I am not your doctor. I'm not your practitioner. I have not looked over any blood work, any medical history, all of those things. So this is just general information that I want to share with you guys to give you some of my insight and some of my experiences and also things that you can find out online <laugh>.


So there are two types of thyroid medications for hypothyroidism. That is synthetic T4 syn, oh my goodness, I cannot talk today. <Laugh>, synthetic t3, and then an all natural and generic type stuff. So let's kind of break down what is considered a synthetic form of t4. So that's gonna be Synthroid, which is the name brand, and then Levothyroxin is the generic brand. Levo Thyroid is brand name Levo. I am gonna mess this up, <laugh>, I'm gonna spell it out for you cuz I'm not exactly sure how to say it. It's L E V O X Y L. Okay, so that is also a brand name, Ty Tyrosint, only in the gel caps with no fillers. Tyrosint Soul has only three ingredients. And Uni Thyroid, which is also a brand name synthetic T3, is Lyo Thine. So that is a generic Sy Cito mill that is a brand name.


And Tyrosint, which is also a brand name. This is, it's very uncommon for people to get a T3 medication because most doctors are not testing more than ts h and t4. So it's just very common to not even see clients taking any synthetic form or any form of T3 unless they're using a more natural form like armor or NP thyroid. So let's break down synthetic thyroid medication. So again, Synthroid is the brand name and Levothyroxin is a generic version of Synthroid. They are not always interchangeable, okay? So it's not like going to the grocery store and you buy this brand name and this off brand, and it's the exact same. That's not always the way that it is when it comes to medications. So Synthroid and Levothyroxin are synthetic forms of t4 and the differences between synthetic or the differences between Synthroid and Levothyroxin can vary in the amount of t4, which is the active ingredient.


So it may say that you're getting 75 grams, but maybe you're not getting exactly 75 grams of medication or T4 across the board. Okay? So there can be some adjustments. This is why you may respond better to one of them. Some some of my clients say I do better on Synthroid or I do better on Levothyroxin because the, the variation in in how they compose <laugh>, that's probably not the right word. How they formulate them is going to be a little bit different. Leo Thine is a synthetic form of t3. Leo Thine has, is not, does not have a lot of side effects. Okay? and one of the side effects can be hair loss or weight loss. So really when, if you are taking that, pay attention to how it's affecting your weight, how it's affecting your hair, and maybe see if it is a good choice or a bad choice for you.


There can also be some differences in active and inactive ingredients when it comes to synthetic medications. So both Levothyroxin and Synthroid are preferred medication by most doctors. So that's typically what I see with the clients that I work with. It's, it's usually Levo that I'm gonna be honest, it's usually levothyroxin both of these and all synthetic forms of thyroid medication and other medications as well. Typically you can find fillers. So this is gonna be inclusive of gluten fillers, lactose dyes and preservatives. So depending on how your body reacts and responds to gluten or dairy or dyes or preservatives or anything like that, we have to be super, super mindful that it may be coming in your medication. Most doctors will say, Hey, you need to go gluten free, but they're not realizing that they're giving you gluten to start your day off. So if gluten, because I've got infections, got sensitivities, if you are, if gluten is inflammatory or reactive to the body, then of course you're not gonna feel good.


Of course, things aren't gonna be super great. Of course you're gonna like have a grumpy, yucky stomach that's super inflamed and you may not be doing really well, especially if you have autoimmune conditions like celiac. So there are some things that I wanted to share with you guys in terms of fillers for levothyroxin specifically, and that's gonna be modified wheat starch. So you can see this on like your, the papers that you should get with the medication. You should be able to go in there and, and look at this yourself as well. And I'm gonna just highlight some of, some of the big ones. So again, it's gonna be the wheat starch. So you'll see that is gluten, lactose, monohydrate, which is lactose <laugh> dyes, convection or sugar, which contains corn starch. So again, if you are reacting to corn or if you are like me, I have, I did have some high levels of corn mold because corn can be boldy <laugh>.


And so I was reacting to things happening in my environment, which for me, I live in Arizona and my house is kind of a, a rural house and I am surrounded by cornfields on all four sides of me. And so there was a period of time where I was having high levels of mold and I'm like, what the crap, where is this coming from? And so, I mean, I wasn't taking thyroid medication, but that's something that if you are struggling with those, you need to be obviously aware of of and mindful that that can happen as well. There is b h a I'm not gonna, maybe I'll link this up in the show notes for you guys and then you can do some of your own research on all of these different things cuz there's like colloidal dioxide that can be very problematic for people.


Calcium phosphate di diba, I think is how you say that. That's also very problematic. So I'll put it in the show notes for you guys to look at this list of things that I have that can be problematic for people and you can just see if any of that resonates with you and talk to your doctor about that as well. So then there is the natural form of thyroid medication. So that's gonna be your arm or thyroid. This is a brand name for an all natural form of thyroid hormone. So arm or thyroid is derived from dried thyroid glands from pigs. So it's gonna be a little bit more natural. And it contains a combination of two thyroid hormones. So that's T3 and t4. It's inconsistent in the dosage since multiple animals, thyroid glands are being used and we don't know, we don't know the health of those animals.


So again, it's one of those things where if you're needing to regulate the dosage, a synthetic form is gonna be something that you can track specifically on, like, this is the dosage, this is what I need. So on a so forth, most doctors do view thyroid medication as a life sentence. They don't see or talk about a way for you to get off medication. So you're just basically being told this is the rest of your life. The FDA has not approved this, it was just grandfathered in when they started using medication. So again, this is not something that is continually being researched <laugh> because the fda, I, I don't know, I I'm not exactly sure that whole process side effects occur more frequently in natural thyroid medication. So again, something to be really mindful of. So natural and synthetic forms can both cause side effects.


You guys any medication is gonna have <laugh> its own list of side effects and both may not relieve your, your thyroid symptoms. This is true for many of the clients and most of the people on the email list and in Facebook groups. And unfortunately, if it did, then we wouldn't have these issues, right? Like <laugh>, I wouldn't be in business. And you know, honestly, that would be super great if you guys were able to all have things that worked for you and you were able to have the energy and the stamina and be able to lose weight and, and normal things would work for your body. So let's transition really quickly and talk about supplementation for thyroid. So what I see very commonly happen is other practitioners some of my clients even come in that they're taking this supplement that is for thyroid.


Whether it was something they Google founded, Googled founded they found on Google in like a Google a Google search, or maybe they follow another practitioner online, and this practitioner online says, buy this supplement. I've formulated it just for your thyroid and it's going to make all of your issues go away. This is, it's not my favorite. And let me explain why I, and this is I'll share my own personal story. So a while ago, a couple years ago, I was trying to fix my thyroid. All my doctors told me everything was normal, blah, blah, blah. We know the drill, okay? So I went online and I was like, okay, I know that there are nutrients and minerals that help with thyroid hormones, whether, so that means creating, converting and absorbing thyroid hormones, right? Like, there are those three components that we need in order to make our thyroid work properly.


So we need to create, convert, and absorb. So I went online, I found this thyroid supplement, and I was like, oh, sweet. Like this is gonna be the answer to what I have going on, like it's gonna give me the nutrients that I need, blah, blah, blah. I get it. And I finally, like, I looked at the minerals and the nutrients inside of it and I was like, this is fantastic. This is, you know, all of these things help with blah, blah, blah function. And I get it in my home and I look at it, you guys, and guess what happened? There were fillers of rice and wheat. And I was like, you have to be kidding me. Like, I just spent all of this money on something for my thyroid, and yet it's still filled <laugh> with fillers. So anyways, super frustrating. So my recommendation for you guys in this journey is, number one, if you're taking thyroid medication and or taking supplementation, always, always, always look at the fillers and always look at their side effects and how they could be potentially affecting you.


Several of my clients have come in to the program inside the handsome method worked with me. We look at their medication and they're like, I'm having such and such symptom. And I'm like, okay, so we, we go down this path and we start working on that symptom and I'm like, okay, they're, they're coming to me and they're like, Hey, nothing's working. I don't understand, blah, blah, blah, whatever. You know, like a little frustrated, right? They're, they're like, Hey, I'm paying you a lot of money and I'm not seeing results. I'm not seeing them as quickly as I was wanting or hoping or whatever. And I'm like, okay, I totally get it. Well, when we go back and we start looking at, okay, what could potentially be causing some of this disruption and this chaos and whatever, you guys, most of the time it's the medications that they're taking.


I had a client, she came in, she was taking 28 medications, 28 you guys, and on 23 different supplementations right away, obviously we cut the medication. I didn't cut the medication, I can't do that. We had her go and talk to her doctor about some of the medications that we noticed could be counteracting each other. And then also took her off, basically off of all of the supplements and just put her on digestive enzymes and probiotics. Well, from there, within 30 days she went down to 16 medications with her doctor's help, okay? She didn't just cut them out, I didn't tell her to cut them out. We, you know, she went through the proper channels and we just moved her because we didn't have any testing or anything like that. We moved her to just digestive enzymes and probiotics. And let me tell you in that, in those 30 days, her energy levels doubled, okay?


Her energy levels doubled and she started losing weight in addition to like, she did make some adjustments to what she was eating and things like that. But just those two things alone can make an huge impact. So not al more isn't always best. I know we hear that all the time, but sometimes less is more. Sometimes really being targeted in our efforts can be really concise. So obviously for her, it saved her a bunch of money on prescription drugs. It also saved her a bunch of money on supplementation. And after that point, like we just moved her after we got the te proper testing and stuff, we did add in a few extra supplements that did make a big change for her. And she continued to get better and better results and over time she was able to get off more and more medication.


And then obviously all of her supplementation has been really, really targeted. So again, my recommendation for you guys is always talk to your doctor. Always keep your mind open as to what you think is working or not working, and really just be open, right? Like be open, talk to your doctors, ask them questions, do your own research. That's why I have this podcast. I've really tried to educate you guys on what you need to be doing and how to properly support your body and so that you see the most results because it is my belief that women are the pillars, right? When they, there's a saying when mom ain't happy, ain't nobody happy, <laugh>. And I truly believe that. Like I women, I believe that women are the pillars of our home, pillars of our family, pillars of our community. And so there is a lot of pressure that is put upon us.


However we can handle that. We were made to withstand a lot of pressure, a lot of stress. But in addition to that, we have to take steps to take care of ourself and to nourish our body in the proper way we need to, this is kind of a side note, but it goes in with this. We need to schedule in times to rest and restore ourself. Because if we don't do that, then we will just eventually burn ourselves out and then we're no good and no use to anybody. So all you guys, I will see you on the next.


Before you go, I want to make an offer to you guys. Now, there's no pressure here, but if you are like me and you just wanna get to the root of the issue and you want help and you want guidance, and you just wanna know what to do, and you are an action taker and you are highly ambitious, we have several spots that are open for the Hansen method. Our schedule fills up very quickly. So if you are interested in getting in, filling out an application and joining us, please take the time to visit the show notes and schedule your thyroid breakthrough call. We will be talking to you about what is holding you back, where do you wanna go, how do you wanna feel, and then give you our personal and professional recommendations on the next step for you so that you can get out of this thyroid chaos. Once and for all.


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