127// 4 Ways to Invest In Yourself without Money






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Shannon Hansen


P.S. Make sure to schedule our Thyroid Breakthrough call with one of our thyroid advisors. 



Good morning, my friends at the time of recording this. This is Morning <laugh>, if you're listening to it in the afternoon. Happy afternoon. Happy happy evening, happy laundry day, washing dishes, whatever you guys do. While you're listening to podcasts, let's talk about ways to invest in yourself.


Welcome back to the Thriving Thyroid Podcast, where we choose to become empowered patients and take our health into our own hands. Hi, I'm Shannon Hansen, a Christian entrepreneur, a mom of three. And after dealing with my own health mysteries, I made it my mission to learn everything I could about the thyroid. I soon became certified as a holistic wellness practitioner, a functional nutrition practitioner, and a functional diagnostic practitioner. And so much more After that, I founded the Revolutionary Thyroid Program, the Hanon Method. As a health professional and a mom, I fully understand the importance of having a fun, simple, and sustainable plan for achieving a responsive thyroid. So I share actionable and practical strategies for developing a responsive thyroid so that the ambitious moms and women can gain freedom from fatigue and lose the thyroid weight once and for all. Each week, I will be here for you, along with my guest experts. We will be sharing simple and tangible tips that work for not only your thyroid, your hormones, your family, and your mindset, so that you can get back to living the life that you envision for yourself. Welcome to the Thriving Thyroid Podcast.


All right, you guys. Welcome back to the Thriving Thyroid Podcast with your host Shannon Hansen. I am super excited today to be talking to you about ways to invest in yourself. Some of them cost money and some of them do not cost money, and I think that that's a great way to get started. So I wanna give you guys, I love telling stories. Hopefully you know that about me right now. I love telling stories because I feel like when you hear and see how other people do it, you can adapt it and model what you are seeing other people do. And, and so I love stories. I feel like that's the way that I learn and get to apply it into my life. So let's, of course start with free options. We'll go to free options, up to like big high ticket ways to invest in yourself, okay?


And when I say invest in yourself, I mean invest in yourself mentally, emotionally, fear, physically, spiritually. And one of the best ways to do that is to sit down and make a list of your priorities. This is something that I find that I have to do on, on a semi-regular basis, where when I feel like my life is getting a little bit out of balance, I have to go back to pen and paper and remind myself what is the most important thing for me at this stage or this season in my life? Because it's going to change our lives, literally change about every three to six months, okay? So I love routine, I love knowing Monday, I do this Tuesday, I do this Wednesday, this Thursday, this, and I love the, like, almost the automation of those things. And my husband thinks I'm crazy <laugh>, because I would rather have my kids in a year round sport than a seasonal sport.


And so, like, I would prefer dance, I prefer gymnastics, I prefer things like that because literally like my schedule doesn't change. However, I have kids that love softball and soccer and other things, <laugh>. So I don't, I don't necessarily get that, but, and my husband's like, I would rather like suck it up and have a crazy schedule for, you know, a season and then go back to like more relaxed time. So anyways, however that works for you. But as you guys go through life, your life is gonna change every three to six months, whether small, big life changing things, right? Someone gets sick, someone passes away, you're going through a divorce I don't know, health issues, whatever, whatever it is, okay? And one thing that I've learned from this, like being a, an observer of how our life changes every couple months, is I now look at struggles and trials as like it's going to pass.


This isn't a long term. Like sometimes when you're in the thick of it and you're going through something really, really hard and challenging, you're sitting there thinking, this is never gonna end. Or when is this gonna end? When is God gonna take this burden from me? I like <laugh>, I can't handle anymore. And then as we train our mind to find the positive, that trial, that struggle, that burden usually becomes easier. And not because the trial or the burden goes away, sometimes it does, but oftentimes we can or should learn coping skills and coping mechanisms to help us better adjust to the situation. So let me give you an example. I have a family member who recently went through a divorce and he has really been struggling, struggle, struggle, struggle. You know, why this, why that, this, you know, all the different things. Well, as he's gone to therapy, as he's done counseling, as he's pondered, as he's, you know, prayed about it as he's whatever, and he's still in the middle of it and it's still really hard and he's still struggling to see like the good <laugh>.


But I truly believe, and I keep telling the him this, in a year or two years, five years, you're gonna look back and be like, that event shaped and molded who I am today. And I'm thankful for that experience. I had a very traumatic, crazy upbringing. Like many of us, I think all of us can look back at different times and events in our lives and think, wow, that was like pretty horrific what I went through. And I, my mom, my lovely mom has made many comments over the years. I'm so sorry you had to go through these things. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. And I finally looked at her one day and I was like, do you not like who I am? And she was like, no, I love who you are. You're an amazing person. You're this, you're that.


And I said, great, all of those things that you keep apologizing for and telling me they were so awful and terrible. I said, those are the exact things that shaped and molded me into the person that I am today. And I quite like who I am. And I said, you don't need to apologize for those things anymore because I have made peace with those things. And I am so thankful and grateful for all of the hard things that I have gone through because it has made me who I am. And I have the opportunity to sympathize and empathize with people who have gone through similar situations. And I think that really shifted her perspective in a lot of these things. So anyways, I kind of digress here, but I feel like that's really important for all of us to gain that, gain that perspective when we're dealing with hard things.


So I like to go back to pen and paper, you guys, I'm a visual person, not like a computer screen. No, I need to physically write it out. If you see any of my videos a lot of times in my office I will have a big whiteboard in the background because, and that whiteboard literally helps me get this like 30,000 foot view when even paper can't allow me to have that expansion. It's crazy. I don't know if everybody's that way, but see, like backing up and like looking at that board sometimes is exactly what I need. And I will go through and I will make a list of things that are a priority to me. So things like maybe exercising is on there, maybe my family's on their work finances investments, reading books. Like I just list out literally everything that is important to me.


And then I go through and I rank those things and I make three to five things non-negotiable for me. And sometimes the non-negotiables are my kids. Sometimes it's my spirituality, sometimes it's my exercise and physical activity. Sometimes, you know, whatever, maybe I don't know. You, hopefully you guys get the idea. <Laugh>, you know, and for that, those three months or six months or two months, whatever, I go back and I prioritize those date. And in the month of December, I had different priorities because that was the month and a season that I was in. Now it's January and my priorities have shifted. I mean, my business shifts in December, November, December. Like people, let's be honest, y'all are like, I just, I just want to eat, drink, and be merry and fat and happy, like <laugh>, you know? And then things pick up. Usually middle of January we start going to more enrollments and things like that.


And so my life shifts between like November to January. My priorities have to shift. I get to go from being like more relaxed and just focusing on fulfillment for my clients and you know, just pouring into them, giving them the training, the health support that they need through the holidays. And then starting January, people have like, I'm gonna give you guys a little insight <laugh> to the way people's brains work, at least in my industry. So all of you guys, most of us set these new year resolutions. You're like, I'm gonna get healthy this year. I'm gonna prioritize my thyroid, I'm gonna lose weight. I'm gonna right. And then come January 15th. And everybody kind of realizes, oh, that still is a priority for me, but I'm struggling to do it on my own. I'm struggling to keep myself accountable. And so that's usually when my pick my business picks up.


People have also paid off, you know, the holiday <laugh>, the Christmas a little bit, and people are starting to file for here in the US file tax returns and, or yeah, tax returns. And so they're maybe getting a little bit money back and so they can use that money to invest in themselves. And so my priorities now, because it's mid-January, have shifted to match what the market is doing. And in all honesty, having the kids home for the holidays, like it's, it's perfect for me, right? But if I didn't shift my priorities at least a little bit during that time, things would be really frustrating. I would feel like I was bumping up against a wall. Okay. All right. So that's number one is listen priorities and allow them to change. Allow them to adapt to the season that you're in. Maybe right now your focus is debt consolidation and paying off your debt.


Or maybe your priority is getting your thyroid hormones fixed or like even doubt so that you can get off medication. And so you are going like, if that's the goal or that's the priority, we have to take those steps to match things up. And so let me give you guys an example here. So let's say that you're telling yourself, balancing my hormones is most important thing for me right now because I wanna lose weight because I'm getting married and I wanna feel comfortable and confident in my wedding dress and whatever, right? Like, okay, well going to McDonald's drive-through three times a day. You're saying one thing, but your effort and your actions are telling us a, a very different story. And so going through and reminding yourself of what my priority is, why it's important, and what actions do I need to take are some of the most important things.


Now, I know for me personally, I always do way better when I have some kind of accountability externally, right? Whether that's a person, whether that's a thing, whether that's an event, whether, you know, like I am going to be more accountable if I'm meeting a friend at the gym or if I'm meeting a friend to go walking. Or if I have a coach and I'm keeping a journal and the, and my coach is saying, Hey, you're doing really good on your journals or not. Like, my effort is going to be better when I have committed to someone else. And you guys, let me tell you something. <Laugh> husbands are not your accountability partner. Okay? My husband told me this several years ago and I've never forgot it. He's like, my job, I was like, okay, I need you to hold me accountable every day you come home from work.


I want you to ask me if I worked out and how my eating was and whatever. And he was like, no, <laugh>, he flat out told me, he's like, no, that is not my job. He's like, my job is to comfort you when you had a crap day and everything went to crap and you just didn't get that stuff done. He's like, you need to find someone else <laugh> to do that for. And I was like, Ugh, you're so right. And so anyways, okay, so that's number one. And number two, I guess make your prior, make a list of priorities and then take the action steps and write them down what action steps you need to make those top three priorities and everything else. On top of that, you get to say, yes, that I'm gonna do that because it fits into other priorities and I have the time, energy, bandwidth, whatever to do that.


Or no, I don't. Okay? The next thing, I guess number three is if you are not in a place financially to invest in yourself, invest in the free resources. Invest in the free resources. You guys, that means listening to podcasts, reading books, listening to audible books or the cheap options, right? Like Audible is gonna be a little bit of money. Buying books is gonna be a little bit of money. Unless you're going to the library watching YouTube videos, watching. Like I put out so much content, it's not even funny. You guys. I put out one to two podcasts per week. I do Instagram, I do Facebook Live. I put stuff up in Facebook, I write emails, you guys, all of these, I do blog postings, podcast slash blog postings for you guys to be able to consume this information at an accelerated rate. In addition to that, you guys, I have tons of additional free resources.


You guys can head over to the show notes if you've never been there before. And check out the free resources that are available to you. There's hair guides, there's recipes, there's, I don't even know what I was all over there. There's a freedom from fatigue guide, there's all kinds of stuff. And literally all of it is for free. Okay? The next thing we're gonna go a step up. We're gonna start getting into like cheaper options for investing in yourself. Maybe pain, 20, 30 bucks, 40 bucks, even up to a hundred bucks might be a good option to get you one step closer to where you are at or where you want to be. Same thing with me in the show notes. You guys, like, maybe you can't spend, you know, hundreds of thousands of do, okay? My programs aren't hundreds of thousands. That was a bit of an exaggeration.


Maybe thousands of dollars to work with myself or someone. I have very cheap recipe books. I have a four week course that I, that includes some testing I have. Like, there are things that are under a thousand dollars and they do go on sale from time to time. I mostly like talk about it on Instagram and in the Facebook group, not so much on the podcast. I'm trying to get better to do that. Cause my focus really at what the podcast is just to bring you value just to, for bring you good content. There are, and even if you guys don't know where to start, send me a message on Facebook or Instagram and I will help you get started. If you come to me and you say, listen, I am prioritizing my thyroid. I only have a hundred dollars, I only have $500, I only have, you know, 20 bucks or whatever.


Like, what would be the best place for me to get started? I would tell you, I would be so honest with you and I would say, okay, tell me a little bit more about what you're experiencing. Tell me this. Tell me that, you know, okay, this one is gonna be the best option for you in terms of getting started. I have things, like I said, the wide, a wide range all the way up to working with me one-on-one. For a couple thousand dollars. It ends up being I dunno, I think it's like $500 a month maybe. Yeah, I think that, I think that's right. Maybe five 50. Anyways, there's a couple different payment options you guys, like I really try to work with everybody's budget when, when you guys come to work with me because that is really important to me that you guys are fitting your goals also within your financial means and your financial range.


That's why like I try to be super transparent with my numbers and what I charge people to work with me, but I also hope and pray that you guys have the same respect for me. Just be like, this is what is in my budget and this is what is not. Because ultimately at the end of the day, you guys, you are worth investing in. You are worth spending the time, the energy listening, the podcast, downloading things putting your time and energy into the free stuff until you get to the point where you can invest in something more and more long term and maybe like more of a specific plan or guide for yourself. There you guys, there's tons of information and the one thing that I, I will say that I have found with people is our brain wants to fight to keep us safe.


So if you walk into like my office or a naturopathic office or whatever and all of a sudden they're saying, it's gonna cost you $10,000 to work with me, I don't charge $10,000 just so you guys know <laugh>. But if they said it's gonna cost you $10,000 to work with me for the next six months, you're gonna go, holy crap, that's a lot of money because you probably have never spent that kind of money and you're gonna think immediately your brain is gonna go to, I can't afford that unless you have like unlimited funds, which I mean, I'm assuming the Aboriginal center here doesn't have unlimited funds. And some of you are gonna be in a place where you're so desperate, where you're like, okay, whatever. I'll figure out the financial part later. But most of you are gonna say, I can't afford that. And you're gonna think I'm a lost cause and I have no help and I will never be able to get the help that I need cause it's too expensive.


Instead of saying, okay, how can I do this? And this is something that my husband and I have really tried to work and train our mind to, to shift to say, how can I X Y, Z? It may take me a little bit of time to get the money together. It may take me a little bit of time to fill in the blank, but if it's a goal and if it's a priority, we can always find away. Just wanna leave you guys with one extra thought as we begin to wrap up today's episode. And I feel like I just need to tell, I dunno at least one listener out there that, well, one of the things that I have my clients do is practice writing down 50 reasons why, 50 reasons why you're worth it, 50 reasons why you, were you worth it? <Laugh>, you know, 50 reasons why you wanna restore your thyroid, why 50 reasons why you want to fix your health.


Because as you go through that process of writing down why things become much more real for us, it's no longer this like, well, I just want it because, you know, I wanna lose weight or I just want it because I wanna have more energy. Like we start to get down at 50 reasons is a lot you guys <laugh>. Like, it no longer becomes those surface level answers of like, you know, I want to feel better in my body. Well, I want my hair to stop falling out. Well, I, you know, we start to get to what is that gonna give you and how is it gonna make you feel and what is it gonna provide for you? And probably the reasons you don't even want to admit to yourself in the beginning.


And like, I, I was talking to a friend, I don't know, a while ago, this has been, I dunno, probably over a year ago. And she told me, so she has business and she told me, she's like, you know, the reason I do this business is so near and dear to my heart that I haven't even told my husband. And she's like, it just, it makes me cry when I think about it. And it, it is just so powerful. I'm getting emotional here, <laugh>, it's so powerful for her. And the reason why every single day she wakes up and does the work that she does. And I think that that's so incredible, right? Like many of us go through this life doing things and making decisions without really knowing why we're doing things. And once we figure that out, we can start to change our thought process.


We can change our perspective, we can change the actions that we take every single day. Because once you have the reasons why you want to have a healthy, strong body nailed down it, it makes it as if that's what you're gonna do. You become that person, you become that iden that, what is the word I'm trying to say? You begin to have that identity of the person who has X, y, z. And the really interesting thing about this friend that spoke to me about her situation and, and you know, why she is a practitioner and why she does the things that she does, you guys, if you knew her story and the level of struggle that she has had with her health, you would, you would have so much respect for her and you would only begin to see why it's so important.


So she has Hashi Meadows as well, and she also has another autoimmune condition ulcer of colitis. And if you guys aren't familiar with that, it's where you essentially bleed from your, your large intestines and it's, you develop ulcers and things like that. And it's a really nasty, yucky, horrible autoimmune condition. And she told me, you know, why she <laugh>, why she does what she does, but one can only guess of how difficult and how challenging that would be for someone to go through. She, her health was in the toilet for a long time to the point where she had to have her mother-in-law move in with their family and take care of their kids and, and she missed out on over a year of her kids' lives because she was just trying to manage the pain. She was just trying to manage this autoimmune condition to very little, a veil <laugh>. And that was very challenging. And so I think all of us, even as I, I think about her and I talk about her like, my heart hurts because that is like, I would not want to miss out on any part of my kid's life. And that would, that enough, that alone for me would be enough for me to do whatever it took to get healthy and to be better and to feel better because my kids are my world.


And honestly, having four girls is a huge reason why I do what I do as well. They're my motivation. I don't want them to have the same challenges and struggles that I have had hormonally, and I'm already starting to see, and my oldest daughter, you know, some patterns that I'm like, oh, I don't want that to happen. You know, she's, she's getting some acne. And I started <laugh> with acne. That was one of my things that that started for me. It actually later, I didn't get it until like late high school is when the acne kicked in for me. But I don't want that to be part of her story, and that is enough motivation for me to change some of my actions and to look at how can I best support her so she doesn't have to go through the Accutane and the birth control that completely wrecked my hormones even more than they were already wrecked at 17.


All right, you guys, so your action items for today, write down your list of priorities or write down, actually start a little bit before that. Write down a list of actions that you want to take or the things that you feel like are important to you. And then go make a list of those things and rank them. What are the top priorities? What are the things that I can say yes to? What are the things that I can take off my plate? What are the things that I can move and adjust and, and whatever. And then start consuming free content. Prioritize reading books, listening to podcasts. Start with the free, make the changes. Don't just listen to that stuff. You guys. Take action.


Take action. If I'm telling you to take a probiotic and you're not taking a probiotic, maybe start with taking a probiotic. Send me a DM on Instagram and be like, Hey, I'm looking for some recommendations for probiotics, which you know, which brands, which ones do you recommend people get started with? I will answer you, I will give you that information. <Laugh>, you know, if I'm telling you to eat more Whole Foods and you're like, I don't know how to do that. Send me a message, message on Instagram or head over to the show notes. I don't know what free resource resources I have in there. I will send you a seven day thyroid meal plan, no cost. You guys, like, I want you to be successful. I want you to experience the same level of freedom that I have. In addition to that, after that, if you are ready to invest in yourself even further and work on getting an individual protocol and individual testing to get specific on what you and your body need specifically, like,


Then we can talk about that. But start with what is available to you right now and begin taking action. Because I know you guys, I know 100% if you implement what I share with you guys in these podcasts, you will have wins, you will have successes, you will feel and notice the difference in your energy levels. You're gonna notice things start to shift inside of your body. And your, your mind is naturally gonna think, man, if I did this and that was free and I got X, y, Z results, what would happen if I had an individualized protocol or plan built out for me? And then it becomes easier for you to invest in yourself financially. Or if you're like, I've already tried all of the things and I'm ready to invest, like absolutely book a call with me. We can talk. We will. There's no pressure, you guys. I just wanna make sure that working together is the right fit. And I challenge you, before you do those things, I want you to take time to write down 50 reasons why you're worth it. 50 reasons why you want to have good health, 50 reasons why you wake up every single morning and you do what you do.


I know that that 50 reasons why is one, it's challenging. It's gonna push you a little bit outside of your comfort zone, but two, you're gonna have lasting change. It will change you as a person and you can continually go back to that exercise and do it over and over and over again because it's gonna become deeper. It's gonna be more meaningful as you do so. All right, you guys, thank you so much for joining me on today's episode. I will see you on the next


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